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GTA Vice City anybody?

Darth Avlectus

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Just a reminder.


The rules for this forum are simple.


Edit by Darth333 {snip} Was that really necessary? A simple and friendly advice or request for more info would have been enough. That was unnecessarily rude...it's not a very nice way to welcome new members.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a reminder.


3. When you make your request, use a descriptive thread title and explain clearly what you want to be done. Take the time to think about what you would like to see. You’re the one making the request, but if someone chooses to make it they will need as much information about it as possible. Also consider that it takes time and effort to make a mod, and your request should involve thought and effort on your part as well. Do not forget to state which game (KotOR or TSL) your request is for.


4. DO NOT request porting any resources from another game into KotOR. This includes porting resources from TSL to KotOR and vice versa. Taking copyrighted and proprietary materials from another game and using them in KotOR mods will not be tolerated. This includes music mods using copyrighted tracks. Any discussions about this will be closed or deleted, even if it is for your own personal use.


5. Finally, be respectful towards other members. A little "thank you" helps.





MY bad... Now that I ain't in a hurry...


For K1

Just as kind of a laugh--nothing too serious:


All's I want is a visual skin. Maybe my sense of humor is off-kilter but I think it would be funny to have a PC that looked sorta like Tommy Vercetti beating the crap out of everyone.


A skin of Tommy's clothes--or something like it and perhaps his face & hair on a new additional head--can be made from an in-game head. If you must replace a head to do it, then so be it.


The clothes, well, to look like tommy's casual clothes like in the pics in the url below. Can just be default clothing replacements...

Maybe wishful thinking: Could be an accquireable item you can get with extra feats and modifiers--enough to make you a competent Hand-to-Hand fighter against anyone in the game (because I notice that only canderous and the wookie--maybe the main PC at the right level-- can kill enemies with fair ease).

He wore a Teal Hawian shirt with b;ack palm trees on it, deep blue snug fitting jeans with boot-cut but not bell bottoms. Late '70s.

It's coming back in vogue I guess, or at least the men's pairs of pants I see at Ross. They look like the ones Tommy wore.

The Shoes look like a modern adidas or fila brand. I'm sure the "court classic" white shoes you can buy at costco or K mart will do fine.



Here's a lead for the face--and the shirt: http://www.escmag.com/v5/features/feature.cfm?fv=5


Don't kill yourself over it. And certainly don't violate any infringement laws to do it--If you cannot for these reasons, then simply tell me. I'd hate for you to do it and then have it taken off.



Thank you very much for your consideration.

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