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Halo and Xbox 360 info

darth plumber

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But it's cool. I however do not support pirates, as they are the natural enemy of the ninja. And I am totally pro-ninja. We all are over at Razputin's Domain. Maybe if they called illegal games Ninjaed games I would in fact support them. But as it stands they are not currently called that.


Calling them pirated games is just to make it sound more X-treme. But burning games and such is not what pirates do. They just bury stuff and wear eye-patches for no reason. And also they like wooden legs? WTF? That doesn't even make sense.


Darn pirates. In fact I'm pretty sure the whole world is pro-ninja and anti-pirate. Especially Steven Segal. And we should all hope and strive to be more like Steven Segal.


On topic: Bring back the good pistol.

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