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Recommended progression


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What's the recommended progression for TSL?


After the surface of Telos I went to Dantooine I think, the one with the space blockade, and then I had to go to Dxun where I got this guy Mandalore (who I wanted to kill btw... I'm playing DS). Where should I go next?


And before some of you jump on me, I did use the search tool. I looked for Recommended progression, and found a bunch of posts about how to make your own class, wich don't work for me because I'm on the Xbox and I'm assuming that's using some mod for the PC version.

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Peragus II and Telos (like you had a choice in the matter...)

Dantoonie (to gain the Personal Crystal, And Complete LightSaber at same time)

Nar Shadda (Gain Most of Your Party Members

Dxun-Onderon (Might as well pick up that Mandalore dude)

Korriban (To pass the time while the conflict on Dxun-Onderon heats up)

Dxun-Onderon Again


After you complete Dxun-Onderon once, just go to another planet and complete that planet, or if necessary, complete the rest of the planets. Sooner or later, when you board the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4 will tell you that you got a message from Kelbron, the Mandalorians. Rush back to Dxun, and talk to the Mandalorian outside to have you Rapid Transit into the Mandalorian Camp, to start up the Onderonian Civil War, and complete the Dxun-Onderon planet once and for all, finding the Jedi Master, Kavar on there, and killing/saving him. :)

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Peragus II


Nar Shaddaa




Dxun/Onderon (again)


Peragus and Telos are obviously set. You don't have a choice but to go to them first. On Nar Shaddaa, you pick up a few new party members, you can complete your lightsaber, and you gain insane amounts of XP. Usually I'm level 12 when I get there, and I end up being level 19 by the time I leave. Go to Dantooine next, mostly so you can get the "*your character's name* Crystal". Next, do Dxun/Onderon so you can get your last party member. And do Korriban last, because it helps to be a high level when you're there. Then, if you go in that order, you have to go back to Dxun/Onderon for reasons that I'll just let you find out.

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I'd agree with what those two have said ^^.First play through i went to Onderon first, and that wasn't so bad, but with Nar Shadaa, you pick up quite a few new party members, as well as a fairly easy run the the lightsabre. I would leave Korriban to last, if only because of the Tomb. Dantooine and Onderon are fairly interchangeable i suppose, neither are particularly difficult, or particularly rewarding, though i myself find Onderon the most interesting planet, and my favourite.

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This is the way I usually do it:


First is obvisously Peragus/Telos.

Then I go to Nar Shaddaa, because that's the easiest way to get a lightsaber (expecially if you're Dark Side! Just fight Visas and kill Lootra).

Then I either finish Nar Shaddaa, or make a pit stop at Dantooine in the Crystal Cave.

Then I finish Nar Shaddaa if I haven't already.

Then I go to Korriban.

Next I finish Dantooine.

Finally comes Onderon/Dxun (if you leave it till last, you don't have to wait for the end of the Civil War, it just comes)

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