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Fandom Royale

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Your character wakes up, unaware of where they are or how they've come there. All they know is what the note (helpfully placed next to their person) says:


1. There is no escape

2. You will be placed in an arena to which there is no exit. If you attempt to do so then you will be disqualified and terminated immediately.

3. You will be given one weapon, of our choice, shortly after recovery

4. Have a nice day



+Yes, you are allowed to play any character that you want. If you choose Winnie the Pooh than so be it.

+If you want a character from a fandom, simply ask. You don't need to fill out the character sheet

+The character can be made up. However, I would very much appreciate it if you used the character sheet (or directed me to your character thread)

+Make your character as interesting/diverse as possible. If I believe your character is a Mar(t)y s(t)ue than I will ask you to change the profile

+Follow TOS

+You must be literate to join. You don't have to send a sample post (if you do, I'd be more inclined to accept) I'll simply check your other posts and determine based on punctuation and grammar.







Virtue: (such as bravery)

Vice: (such as gluttony)




*Means optional. Personality/History can come out through your posts instead.





If there are any questions please contact me via PM or through this thread.

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Can I choose.... Jazz from JSRF?


Name: Jazz

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Virtue: Kindness

Vice: Wrath

*Personality: Fun and bubbley, but really is able to buckle down and get stuff down

Quirks: Roller blading, grafitti, racing.



Of course silly.

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YEE! You should be one of your people from BoB.


-Smiles- I was thinking of that. I think I'll be Shifty Powers (god bless his soul) because he can snipe.


Of course, I may not get that weapon...


Also, if no one else joins I may just have to shut it down. It is starting up successfully in another forum however.


Oh...Teen Titans reminds me of PurpleSquid. Why did I have to chose that forum?

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