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Character Classes

Common Thug

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No. I don't think that is true at all. Influence opportunities aren't affected by your PC's class.


Check out Achilles' TSL Influence Walkthrough [thread=153012]here[/thread] and you'll see that there is no mention of differences in influence opportunities between the classes.

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No. I don't think that is true at all. Influence opportunities aren't affected by your PC's class.


But peruasion does effect Infulence, if only slightly. The higher your persuasion score, the more Infulence you gain, though I think it's not really that interesting.


The reason Jedi Guardians appear to not be good at Infulence is because they have low Perusasion. This is due to them not having a lot of Skill Points. Basically, switch to Sentiel to gain lots of skill points to dump in the Persuasion Skill as well as other skills. (Or, choose a Prestige Class in-game of Jedi Watchman/Sith Assiasan. I got a LOT of skill points via that method.)

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I don't recall ever having the [persuade] indicator in front of any dialog options with NPC party members in TSL. I think you're confusing the persuade skill (which only works on non-party NPC's) with influence opportunities (which only occur with party NPC's). Two different things that don't really affect each other.

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I don't recall ever having the [persuade] indicator in front of any dialog options with NPC party members in TSL. I think you're confusing the persuade skill (which only works on non-party NPC's) with influence opportunities (which only occur with party NPC's). Two different things that don't really affect each other.


What I believe is that I remember reading that Persuade "subtly" increase the amount of Infulence points you gain/lose with Infulence Opporunties...just that it's effects is so small, it's unnoticable, and only affect alignment.


Yet, it is quite likely I'm wrong. Still, get the Sentinel class so that you can use Skills.

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I don't recall if Persuasion factors into your conversations with your companions, but I wouldn't be surprised if the game checked for it. Persuasion is a very important skill, especially since the main pc (in either game) is the only one who can build it (Kreia has persuasion in TSL, yes, but she can't build it).


If it's a problem, just cheat a little - get the KotOR Savegame Editor (KSE) and make all skills into class skills. Then you can build it to your hearts content. Just be sure you have enough skill points (Intelligence-based) to make it work. Generally skills are worthless unless you keep building them, and this seems more true for Persuasion than most.


Also, the Jedi Master/Sith Lord classes have the ability to "push" the alignment of your companions closer to the extremes. That might be interpreted to have something to do with influence, but it actually doesn't - it just pushes the companion closer to the extreme when you actually do gain influence with him or her. It does not affect the amount of influence that you gain (or lose).

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