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[K2] Evil items, and ithorian merchants

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Evil items, and ithorian merchants, otherwise known as the dantooine merchant mod, is now avalible!


it too me a H3LL of a long time to make, and there were amy glitches along teh way, but my first big mod for STKOTOR2 is finally done!


what this mod does.

simply put, it add several new and exiting items to the game, all of whitch have intreaging little back story's, and all of which are avalible to buy from a shady ithorian merchant (if you can believe that) on dantooine, right next to the Jedi ruins.


here are a couple of pics.





you can download it from my website DarthRiddicks Personal Mods


and hopfully soon it will be avalible from kotor files. ^_^


Please download, and give it a go!

i'd love to hear some feedback.




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first off Darth Balor.... NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER give out someones work without first consulting them.(however, send me the revised version and i will post it up, and add your name to the list of people that helped me.)


second off, yes i know my spelling was a bit off, sorry bout that.


and lastly, i (personally) like it when the Pc's evil responses are really evil. (but there was one in there that was kinda cheesy. XD)


EDIT: but thank you all for the comments! i respect any constructive criticism, and hope that you all will try the next mod i create!




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