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TSL Korriban Cave LS Force recharge? [possible spoiler]

Darth Jedi01

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I know that Light Siders aren't supposed to recharge Force points in that cave (you know, the one with the Corpse and the Infinite Hssiss); I found this out the hard way the first time. But I've begun to wonder: if I were to use Master Force Drain, could I recharge my Force points as a light-sider? What about Robes with Force point regeneration?


If this is a really stupid and/or nooby question, I'm sorry, but I have no idea and can't test it myself because I'm only one of three all wanting to play the game; can't play it too much (including right now)....

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Welcome to the forums, and no, your question is not stupid or nooby. In fact, I don't even know the answer. The only thing I don know is that your Force points fully regenerate after each vision, but you probably already noticed that by now. I'm in the middle of a game right now, so if I'm able to reach that point soon, I'll try it out.

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I don't think it's a noobie or stupid question, since I'm not entirely certain myself. However, I don't think Force Drain will be so effective for several reasons:


1. Drain Force is a dark side power. So either you're dark sided and won't need it to replenish your power, since it rebuilds faster in the tomb than usual, or else you're light sided and costs way, way too much to even consider, since your force points rebuild very slowly in the tomb, and you pay for even using the power too.


2. To effectively use Force Drain, your target needs to actually have force powers. Few do in the tomb.


My advice? If you're lightsided, then get your hands on absolutely any item that'll let you regenerate force points faster, build up your Wisdom as that helps too, and consider taking the regenerate force feat before entering the tomb. I did all of those, and it still took me a fair bit of time to rebuild my force powers (then again, I DID abuse the respawning Hssiss bug like there was no tomorrow...).


Oh, and let me welcome you as well.

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I had plenty of items that restored Force points when I played lightside and I never regained any.


It takes time, but you can overcome it and rebuild force points. It may require both regeneration items, high Wisdom and the Regenerate Force feat. I know that worked, since I had all three, but that it may require that. And it was woefully slow even then.

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Thanks! So it is possible, but could take a lot of time, and I need all the regeneration things I can get.


And the reason I thought Force Drain would work is because it drains 30 points from every target (or 15 if they save) and even with Light Side adjustment it would still only cost about 7 Force points to cast. But I didn't realize that they would have to have Force powers... guess that's kind of obvious now, but I didn't think about it.

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Thanks! So it is possible, but could take a lot of time, and I need all the regeneration things I can get.


I think I had well over 24 Wisdom (via boosting equipment like crystals and other gear), stuff that gave force generation 3 and the force regeneration feat as well. Oh, and I was usually playing a sentinel/jedi master, which may also have been a factor. And it DID rebuild, no cheats. But it was slow going.


Still, I was abusing the Hssiss respawn bug like crazy. I think I had 40-50 Hssiss attack me every time and then used Force Storm to kill the majority of them, and you can guess how that drained my force points given that I was LS...


After each fight, it could taken 10-15 minutes to rebuild my force points and vitality before I could make another go of it... I suggest having something to read handy if try it ;)

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Kotor really misses a mana potion or an ether to restore FPs. :p


Only if you're very LS in the tomb on Korriban, which is extremely DS and so suppresses your regeneration if you're a goody-goody jedi, as I always am...


Anyway, in all other places, it regenerates faster than I can use it, really.

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