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Outta This World!

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Name: Hana Tigerstar


Personality: funny and opinionated

Weapon(s): double blade cyan lightsaber

Occupation: Jedi Padawan, Grey Jedi

Bio: Was part of the Jedi Order put left due to differences.She doesn't take orders well unless she really trusts the person. Black hair and brown eyes. She was so close to being a Jedi Knight. Had a boy friend but he died when she was 19.Lonely yet a loner,go figure.

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EP welcome I guess... can't say that there will be much activity from the thread... seeing as most of the RPers either haven't posted in a long time or they quit and they didn't notify anyone...


Schools taking up most of my free time....


Can Monica and Darrick be forming a force bond, SR? But they don't know it yet. Thats why Darrick heard Monica's voice in his head, but I can change it if you don't want to.

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