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Slightly Disappointed(spoilers)


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I reached the end and unless I made a mistake and could have taken others along I feel I left a lot of issues unresolved. For example, the girls. I am close to both Visas and Brianna. With which do I go? I would personally would like to go with both but the matter was left in the air. And what happened to Atton? Didn't he have a secret? And Goto? And Hunnar?


It IS an open-ended game, indeed. A KOTOR III would go a long way to answer the questions. Maybe this is why they did it. I loved the game and the freedom to choose how to behave. I really hope they make more in the series. But I was still a bit disappointed at the abrupt ending. :chop1:

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yeah I hear ya,


What was atton's secret I would like to know?? I never tagged him along as much b/c he kept getting kiled in the fights so I took the Jedi along with me usually . . .


A long time back when it came out for xbox I played it and yes, the ending was a bit abrupt I would say . . . . I have it on pc now and I like the mods it has, it kinda gives more of a complete feeling. But anyways info on atton would be cool . . .

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Atton's secret comes out if you trigger an event on Nar Shaddaa. With sufficient influence you can then get him to reveal his secrets, and with *a lot* of influence train him as a Jedi (one part of his secret is that he is Force sensitive).


With Atton in your party, head down to the Refugee Quad. In the southeast corner two twileks will show up and make some off-hand comments to each other about recognizing Atton. If you go talk to them, they will state that they know Atton and that he had been there before, having fled from the Jedi Civil War. You can then ask Atton about it. The more influence you have over him, the more of his story he will tell you.

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Most of the characters have secrets to reveal, but you must build influence with them to learn these, even for GOTO.


The reason why TSL appears open ended is partially because it was meant to, but also because lots of stuff was cut from the game. While the exile's quest in the unknown regions was to be left open, the cut content has closure for several or all of the exile's companions depending on alignment, gender and influence with each character.


Check http://team-gizka.org/ for more info.

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^While all the characters have their backstory, I think he meant that they were all short and unsatifying. See, Atton has an interesting past that shows what motioned the events that eventually drove him Peragus detention cell. However, those stories can only be part of cut content, since everything can end in just one talk...

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With Atton in your party, head down to the Refugee Quad.


I found out in my last playthrough that you don't have to take Atton with you. :) They show up anyway. And for the record, I had Bao-Dur and HK with me.

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