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TSL Nihilus Confrontation

Christos K

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Although I do not have TSL for pc I will be getting it soon I was wondering if someone could make a mod so that Nihilus uses Statis Field on Mandalor and after the seccond dialogue Visas faints and falls down as if she is dead if you ask her to cut off her conection to Nihilus. After you defeat Nihilus by your self Visas will stand up and say her dialogue and then you leave. With this mod I was wondering if someone could give Nihilus two Red Lightsabers and Sion one double bladed lightsaber.

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Here is something I thought of. There are mods to give you Nihilus' robes. Cant you use two lightsabers with those robes? If you can is it possible to kind of make a new Nihilus and give him that robe so he looks like he was before only different on the inside? And has any one thought about the other request.

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OKay so forget the whole things about the sabers. No more Sion double blade either. Lets focus on my other request. About how Nihilus knocks out Visas both times and uses statis on Mandalor both times so that only you fight Nihilus. With this mod do you think that when you ask for the mask you can also say: "Look upon his face then bring me the mask and his other belongings." So that it gives you his robe, lightsaber, the crystal upari and his mask.

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