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No random Sith Fighter encounters.

Sir Vougalot

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Most of us hate the turret mini-game in KOTOR 1. How about a mod that removes all random encounters? Just keep the ones that appear plot-wise, such as escaping Taris, escaping the Leviathan and approaching Lehon (the Unknown World). All other random encounters should be eliminated. I mean, they don't award you with any EXP or anything, do they? As far as I can tell, they serve absolutely no purpose other than to annoy you.

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When reaching Korriban it makes sense. So how about just Tattooine, Dantooine, Kashyyk, and Manaan. Manaan does have Sith on it but there is also Republix so no.

Actually, I rather like it when they attack you after leaving Korriban if you had caused a ruckus at the Sith academy.

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