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News Organizations and Political Bias


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Rush Limbaugh did something seriously illegal and kept his job. I don’t care what political affiliation someone is advocating, as long as they are making their bosses money they keep their job. Beside Rush Limbaugh is not a journalist he is part of the elite entertainment industry that he is always harping against.


How about we see and hear less conservative on FoxNews?

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How about we see and hear less conservative on FoxNews?



Sure, so long as there is a corresponding matching increase in conservative on the rest of the networks. Afterall, "fair and balanced" should be a slogan for ALL news networks.

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I don’t want it to be a slogan, but I do what them all strive for being balanced. Saying it is true means nothing.



Define what you mean by balanced? Seriously, mainstream media outlets think they are already balanced what their opinions are is the truth and anyone that disagrees with them are right-wing radical loonies, they couldn't figure out how to be balanced at all.

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Define what you mean by balanced? Seriously, mainstream media outlets think they are already balanced what their opinions are is the truth and anyone that disagrees with them are right-wing radical loonies, they couldn't figure out how to be balanced at all.


My opinion of what the definition of balanced should mean for the news media is giving the facts, both the good and the bad. It should not take sides to the left or to the right. When giving each side of a particular argument the media should give equal time and equal voice to both sides. The journalist should not take either side and certainly should not purposely belittle either speaker. The journalist can have personal opinions to the left or right, but they should not become part of the story or the discussion.


I personally don’t believe any of them are balanced, but in fairness most do not make that their slogan. I was always told you did not have to tell people you are honest, if you are truly an honest person they know it. If you have to go around telling them you’re honest you are probably a liar.


I’ve only seen one person in this tread not admit that a news media outlet was not bias. I believe that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, BBC and FoxNews are all bias to one side or the other. Some are just more subtle than others.


I’ve also not seen many mainstream media outlets journalist call other people names. Media professionals calling people disparaging names and attacking them personally usually means their own arguments are weak; they are just rude or they have a serious inferiority complex. It is also unprofessional and if they are getting really angered over a story then they are showing their bias. Even when I agree with their position of the reporter or new commentator, they are still bias if they are becoming personally involved.

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