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Do actors/athletes/musicians/celebrities deserve what they are payed?


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Another way to look at it might be that you could hire on more people for vital services that actually do something beyond entertain us at exorbitantly inflated values. Frankly, it always seemed stupid to me to pay someone $100+m for a multi- yeared contract in what are essentially team sports. If the rest of the team is mediocre, you've got yourself the equivalent of a hideously expensive white elephant. But, hey, it's the owner's $$$.

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Honestly? I would want to pay the athlete more. I can get someone who is qualified and skilled to save my life for what I am paying now. Why would I want to pay more than that? I mean, what does giving them a lot more actually achieve?


What does paying athletes that much money actually achieve? I'd rather pay for people to save my life.

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