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Events before game start (possible spoilers)


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I'm a little confused about events that lead to the prologue, and I'm not sure I got it right... Could you help me with it?


As I understand, it happens kinda like that:

In the beginning, we have three ships: the Harbinger, with Exile and HK-50, Sith vessel with Darth Sion and Sith Assassins, and Ebon Hawk, with Kreia, T3-M4 and disabled HK-47.


So, Exile decides to go back, the Republic sends the Harbinger to pick her up. Both Sion and Kreia sense the Exile and decide to fetch her up.


HK-50 sabotages ship's protocol droid and takes its place, which allows him to sabotage the Harbinger, drug the Exile and lock her up in the cargo hold. At the same time, Harbinger detects Sith ship, seemingly abandoned, only with the body of Sion inside. Sion is placed in the infirmary.


So, Sion wakes up, the assasins kill the entire crew, but somehow miss the Exile, HK-50 sends the evacuation signal, waiting for... something. And apparently hoping that something can take on the Siths. Instead, the Ebon Hawk arrives, docks with the Harbinger, and tries to fly away.


However, Sion somehow regains the control over the Harbinger and severely damages Ebon Hawk... but doesn't do much else, allowing it to escape. Oh, and HK-50 somehow manages to sneak aboard.


So, did I miss anything? :)


And what's the deal with the voice-locked navicomputer? I was treated with the scene where HK-47 speaks with T3-M4 about it, and just as he's about to get to the point, T3 stuns him. After that, you can ask HK about the navicomputer, and he acts like he doesn't know anything about it - but dialogue file indicates that he's lying. So, what T3 did to him?

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So, did I miss anything? :)


Looks like you've gotten the gist of it to me. The only thing I have to add is that Sion probably didn't find the Exile because she couldn't be sensed as normal Force-sensitives could (being a wound in it), or HK picked her up before then.


And what's the deal with the voice-locked navicomputer? I was treated with the scene where HK-47 speaks with T3-M4 about it, and just as he's about to get to the point, T3 stuns him. After that, you can ask HK about the navicomputer, and he acts like he doesn't know anything about it - but dialogue file indicates that he's lying. So, what T3 did to him?


I think it was the conclusion HK was reaching that made T3 zap him. He'd been observing that the only reason the navicomputer could've been locked was to hide where someone could have been. With how T3 could still use it and what HK already remembered about Revan, it probably wouldn't have taken him much longer to figure out what exactly was going on. (If he hadn't been zapped, that was)

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Well, I think the comic is trying to piece together what happened before and during the series eventually.


But yeah the reason why Exile got away is cause of Kreia, and T3 is the gate-keeper of the navi-computer. And HK is just, well, now that we know where his series comes from... There is a reason why Arkanians build the best toys.

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