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Looking for a guide...(player placed bases)


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Hey I'm looking for a guide or a link explaining what each specific base you can place has like how many floors, how many turrets it can support, what cl are the npcs, etc, as well as turrets do the bigger ones have more firing range, what is the difference between a block, dish, and tower, and what are the differences in the mines that can be placed?


As the military advisor in my city, I would really appreciate if I could have the answers. I know the turrets can only be placed on the pve bases, that is ok with me, no single rebel combatant should be able to enter my city while combatant and not get shot at. :joy:


Also, how much GCW points is each base worth?

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forward outposts aren't worth much, I think about 400 gcw, I'm thinking of planting these all around my city and defending with those turret towers, I don't think rebels would be interested in taking apart a base with insane turrets that only gives 400 gcw...

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