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Make Hanhar a Sith/Dark Jedi.


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I love playing as a dark side character, but every time I do I feel jipped that light siders get Mira who in turn can become a Jedi while all we get is Hanhar. I was wondering if there is a way to turn Hanhar into a dark Jedi/Sith. I was thinking you could train him like all the other characters. Plus doing a voice over for him would be easy since you could use his growls, but that wouldn't be a needed thing. If anyone would do this I'd be most appreciative.

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I might give this a go at some point, I was thinking of doing this since I never play as Hanhar because he's no Sith, he just ends up standing in the Hawk.


If you check my site once in a while the project will get added to my WIP, also I'll create a WIP in Holowan for it, I might call in for a good story writer friend of mine to write some dialogue for the Sith initiation. :)

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Well actually there are left over scripts that give hanharr a new jedu class and a lightsaber.


Game's designers sometimes fiddle with these things to test them out before they become official, that's probably what OE did before they got LA's permission.


Nowhere is it stated that that was going to be in the game, it was only ever an idea.

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