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List of most wanted .map files for module editor

Vox Kalam

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Someone the other day suggested we make a list of the most wanted .map files for the module editor, seeing as some of us, myself included know zip about making .map files or for some terrible reason can't install 3DSmax.

Anyone who makes these .map files, I will owe a huge favor, possibly a kiss (KIDDING!).


I cast my vote for 003EBO, 601DAN, and 950COR.

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Someone the other day suggested we make a list of the most wanted .map files for the module editor, seeing as some of us, myself included know zip about making .map files or for some terrible reason can't install 3DSmax.

Anyone who makes these .map files, I will owe a huge favor, possibly a kiss (KIDDING!).


I cast my vote for 003EBO, 601DAN, and 950COR.

Only Fred Tetra himself knows how to make those. We can only make the .max files so he can convert them.;)


I would however like to see those all too. I'd also like to see the one that I just sent in today, korr_m21aa, as I have lots of work to do in there and the module editor makes it much easier.

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Someone the other day suggested we make a list of the most wanted .map files for the module editor, seeing as some of us, myself included know zip about making .map files or for some terrible reason can't install 3DSmax.

Anyone who makes these .map files, I will owe a huge favor, possibly a kiss (KIDDING!).


I cast my vote for 003EBO, 601DAN, and 950COR.


Hehe, that was me that suggested that :D


Only Fred Tetra himself knows how to make those. We can only make the .max files so he can convert them.


I would however like to see those all too. I'd also like to see the one that I just sent in today, korr_m21aa, as I have lots of work to do in there and the module editor makes it much easier.


That's what Vox meant, I said in a thread, can't remember which, that I would make the most demanded .max files :)


You SithRevan know of my 'external' modelling ability's :xp: lol

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Before anyone goes on a map-building spree, maybe I should warn you that the 0.2 version of KAuroraEditor (which is nearing release) will have, among other things, the ability of auto-loading all the models listed in a .lyt file and then rendering all (or any given selection) of them in the correct positions, with or without applying either textures, lightmaps, or both. The rendering will be done from a top-view camera position.


This is effectively equivalent to exporting all the rooms belonging to one area to ascii files, loading them into GMax, correctly positioning them, and then visualizing them from the top viewport. Except it will all be done automatically with a few clicks of the mouse.


The render will have a few things missing (mostly lights, emitters and animations), but considering you're going to use this for import into KotorTool and facilitate correct positioning of placeables during area-editing, it should certainly be good enough to create the needed image.

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Before anyone goes on a map-building spree, maybe I should warn you that the 0.2 version of KAuroraEditor (which is nearing release) will have, among other things, the ability of auto-loading all the models listed in a .lyt file and then rendering all (or any given selection) of them in the correct positions, with or without applying either textures, lightmaps, or both. The rendering will be done from a top-view camera position.


This is effectively equivalent to exporting all the rooms belonging to one area to ascii files, loading them into GMax, correctly positioning them, and then visualizing them from the top viewport. Except it will all be done automatically with a few clicks of the mouse.


The render will have a few things missing (mostly lights, emitters and animations), but considering you're going to use this for import into KotorTool and facilitate correct positioning of placeables during area-editing, it should certainly be good enough to create the needed image.


Unless I'm missing something in your post, What you've said we can already do, export the area models using the KotOR Tool, then import into max and position them correctly. Essentially they're both the same thing ;)

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I know that. What I'm saying is that KAurora will let you do that with three clicks of the mouse, and the rest of the work is automatic.


So ummm.... What? It assembles each .mdl file together as a .max file? If so then that's is AWESOME. But if that's not what it does, then all I was saying was that we could do it already :)

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So ummm.... What? It assembles each .mdl file together as a .max file? If so then that's is AWESOME. But if that's not what it does, then all I was saying was that we could do it already :)


No, currently it loads all the .mdl files used in a .lyt and renders them i.e. it actually draws the models on the screen and applies textures and lightmaps like Gmax does when you select a viewport and choose "smooth and highlight" as view mode. You don't even need to load things into gmax to see the area. It effectively is a mini Odissey engine (VERY mini, but still); you can see the areas like you would within the game.


At the moment it still has several limitations; the two biggest ones as far as areas go are:

- it doesn't render reference nodes (but does Gmax do it anyway? I'm not sure); so for example if you have an area which uses 50 bushes by loading several times the 3 or 4 default ones, those are missing from the rendering

- the camera movement capabilities are limited; you can only visualize the area from the top, by looking at it straight down; and can only move the camera up, down, left, right, above and below in fixed increments. So you still can't walk in the area like you would with your pc.


As for combining several models into one single file... that will be added in after I write the "exporting to ascii" function for one model; at that point you'll be able to import into max using the NWMax scripts.

Right now I've nearly completed the binary load (the program reads every type of node, except it still doesn't load animations); I've written the binary write for lights, trimeshes and walkmeshes (the main types of nodes you'd use to create an area) and I'm in the process of writing the ascii load for these same types (so you can create an area from scratch with Max and convert it into binary format).

The aim here is to start trying to import scratch-built areas as soon as possible, to debug things and maybe figure out some further bits of info on some unknown fields; after this is done, I'll then proceed to complete all the read and write functions and then it will also be possible to combine several models into one file.

But, for map-making purposes, the capability of visualizing areas from a top view (which as I've said is already done, through far from complete) should already be enough to at least facilitate things for modders.

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Ow , man , can't wait for this newer version , looks like you're getting the hang of these .mdl files :)


Can't wait to test this new build of your program Magnusll .

I stopped doing test on the scratch-build areas , as I'm pretty sure MDLops kills them .


Kaurora seems to be the new big player in Town ;) of Kotor-Modding .


Keep it up !

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