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quest for Talchia's hardcore mod


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It was a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away... uh, sorry..) that I played through KotOR; back in the days before I knew about mods (maybe before they existed?). I've pulled the game out of the closet, blew off the dust; and then went online and discovered the empire of Kotor modding. It blossomed, it flourished, and... it seems, in many cases, to have grown aged and splintered. Many of the hero's have gone on to fight other wars.


Yes, granted, new soldiers have come to take up arms... the kingdom has not died. No, it has shown great resilience indeed. But many of the mods that gained so much renown, are scattered and hard to find, or have disappeared into the anonymity of a few veteran collectors hard drives. ::sigh::


All that to say, I'm trying to find "Talchia's Hardcore Mod"; unless there is some other, better or more current mod that does the same thing. I've googled, I've hunted... Talchia's own site is no longer there... Inquiries forwarded to some german site that I can't read. Others link to "pcgamemods", which is...dead.


#1. Can anyone direct me to this mod??? It would be appreciated.

#2. Any suggestions of mods you just wouldn't want to play the game without would also be appreciated. Remember, I'm an old newb... if at all possible I prefer to avoid having to learn headache techie stuff like messing with .2da files. ::embarrased chuckle::

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Moving to mod requests subforum...


Welcome to the forums though! :waive1:


Sorry RedHawke, I thought this forum was just for making requests for new mods to be built. My bad.



Uhmm... so now that I'm in the right forum, my questions stand...



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