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Newb Questions


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Hello :D


I just started my 14day trial, and I have found this game very difficult to get started in.


So, if you don't mind, I have a few questions:

1) Where and how can I get rebel, imperial, and freelance pilot missions?

2) I bought a z-95 for 10k yesterday, but the guy in the spaceport that was going to build it for me said I'm not certified for it. What is this certification and how do I obtain it?

3) In space during flight, how can I check my "tier" and piloting skills? I've tried every key on the keyboard (or at least I think I have).



If I like this game enough, I may consider paying the monthly fee, but for now, it just doesn't seem to be worth it...there's just too much to learn at once in this game O_O


Thanks in advance.


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I seem to have run into another problem :(


I have finally found a rebel pilot trainer on Naboo, some protocol droid.


However, when I ask him to train me, he won't and says "smuggler...does not compute" or something to that effect. How do I get him to train me? I already have the req 200+ Rebel faction points...

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You must have already started the Smugglers aliance pilot training. You'll have to drop them and then you should be able to join the reb piloting


Don't get discouraged, you might want to ask people in game to help out. Most pilots will freely help you out(cept them smugglers... they can be a bit... shifty).

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Hello :D


I just started my 14day trial, and I have found this game very difficult to get started in.


So, if you don't mind, I have a few questions:

1) Where and how can I get rebel, imperial, and freelance pilot missions? There are multiple places for each faction. If you go neutral, CorSec is totally neutral and you wont attack any rebels or imperials. NSF in theed is more imperial aligned and Smugglers alliance is slightly rebel aligned.

2) I bought a z-95 for 10k yesterday, but the guy in the spaceport that was going to build it for me said I'm not certified for it. What is this certification and how do I obtain it? According to this and the question about the rebel trainer calling you a smuggler i would say that you probably signed up as Smuggler Alliance pilot from the trainer in mos eisley cantina. As Neutral privateer pilot you cant pilot z-95s, only rebels can. Like rogue stated, find a guide, the Official forums have alot of helpful stuff as well as swgalaxies.net.

3) In space during flight, how can I check my "tier" and piloting skills? I've tried every key on the keyboard (or at least I think I have). Ctrl + S i believe should bring up the profession screen in space.



If I like this game enough, I may consider paying the monthly fee, but for now, it just doesn't seem to be worth it...there's just too much to learn at once in this game O_O


Thanks in advance.




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