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Similarities Between Psychonauts and GF


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Just completed Phsychonauts in 53 hours! (not playing time..) it was suprisingly good!

anyway i couldnt but help notice some similarites between the 2 games.


Warning: Spoilers for Phsyconauts and Grim Fandango


1.Raz and Manny

Both have a mysterious past

Both very mouthy and funny

Trying to find out whats going on

Both have a hint of anarchy about them


2. Lili and Meche

Both secretly fall for Raz/Manny

Both are angry/unfriendly with Raz/Manny at some point

Raz/Manny both have to save lili/meche

Gets together in the end with Raz/Manny


3. Dogan (i think thats his name, The little blue guy) and Glottis

Both Stupid

Both need help from Raz/Manny

Both very Powerfull

Glottis/Dogan looses his Heart/Brain. Raz/Manny Gets it back.


4. Coach Oliander (another name im unsure of) and Domino

Both originally on your side

Both Later found out to be corrupt

Both in a higher position

Both Fought and Defeated


5. The Old Psychonaut guy (lol?) and Sal

Both Manny's/Ras' Leader/Mentor

Both Have underground secret Lair's

Both give tasks to Manny/Raz

Both Defeated By the Enemy


6. Other Things

The Lungfish monster greatly resembles the underwater sea monsters from grim fandango.

Lungfish city has an underground resistance like the El Marrow resistance.

The Music is EXTREMELY similar


Well thats it!

Oh and not forgetting

"its a tunnel that opens up into a system of catacombs" line, making its 3rd apearance.

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Those are some pretty interesting observations. The one relating Sal and Ford Cruller (the old guy) is pretty apparent; the whole concept of a great, powerful mentor being defeated was (Is?) quite popular in cinema, but is something that clearly works well in games too -- obviously something Tim is fond of!


Although some are kind of loose, I think it does kind of show patterns in the way Schafer thinks when writing stories. They are always excellent so there must be some kind of magic going on when he's doing so. :D

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