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x64 - Installer of the Jedi: Balance of Power


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Well, I promised and here it is - the Balance of Power MSI setup! No tricks, no cheats - you'll need your own copy of BoP to see for yourself.




Please understand that this setup is quite complex; it's multidisc (previous XvT installation not required) and works with volume labels (BALANCE, XWVSTIE1). You'll be prompted for the XvT CD when necessary.


It's been quite tedious to overcome a few obstacles:


  • writing NiftyZip as done in the first place with XvT and bugfixing/refining it with BoP
  • upgrading an existing XvT installation (done by uninstalling the old version first)
  • dealing with the large folder of extracted BoP files and laying everying out accordingly
  • getting the few missing files/folders from the original XvT CD

It's astonishing how well the game seems to work under Vista x64 - without any compatibility modes (they even make it unplayable on my machine).


Have fun!


- Markus



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