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Twi'lek Implant

Darth Xander

Should this mod be released?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this mod be released?

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    • No

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Nice looking mod! Wow, it's ideas like this that almost make me want to start modding again. :) I think one of the few things that could make this better is if it 'locked' it to your implant slot. After all, once your DNA is altered, it shouldn't be plug and play....

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I think my reaction to your item's in game description was similar to how Shaggoth felt. However, I would say that what you wrote sounds too technologically unsophisticated and factually impossible as worded. Good "techno-babble" helps to lend credibility. By good techno-babble I mean using of scientific terms in a way that seem (potentially) meaningful to what is being discussed and that does not conflict known science fact.


In reality (though I hate using that word here since this is both science fiction and a game), taking DNA from one creature and putting it into another would definitely not overwrite the genetic code of this second creature. (While not the same thing, just think of blood transfusions, or DNA contained in what we eat, etc.). Typically, modern science fiction uses either a retro-virus or nanobots (both of which concepts are also plausible in reality) for altering DNA of living, adult organisms.


However, even if you used either of those two plausible methods, the process would take time - perhaps a lot of time - instead of being instantaneous as it would be by just equipping the implant. The reverse process would also take a similar amount of time. More importantly, removing the implant which injected either a retro-virus or nanobots would not reverse the change that occurred.


Also, what if the PC was female? The implant would theoretically then be changing the sex of the PC. Except it really does not do that, because you are only using the disguise property. Thinking of Atton and Disciple flirting with a PC that is supposed to be a male Twi'lek seems a little strange to me. ;)


For all those reasons, I personally think Shaggoth's idea of describing it as some sort of holographic disguise is simpler and more plausible. But if you really want this to be considered as having turned the PC into a Twi'lek, then I would suggest at least adding on another property so that only males can equip it. Also maybe adding ABCoLD's idea of "locking" the implant in place (or even better maybe having a kolto tank of some sort on the Ebon Hawk which can be scripted to add or take away the item - in which case you might want to check out RedHawke's Kamino Eugenics Chamber mod).


Not related to the rest, but another thing I noticed is that it appears you used the Mental Boost D-package as the base for your item. However, your in game description doesn't explain why your implant offers those same bonuses or has the same requirement to use.


My apologies for being so nitpicky and long winded. But I like your creativity and I just feel there are some areas you could improve on.

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Vote: Yes


I don't understand why you wouldent release it, there is always some people out there that probaly like this mod. It's like some of the modders have there private mods that they havent release, with just small fixes, but there probaly someone more that get annoyed on that thing in the orginal game. For it ain't that hard to upload things on the web

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Here are a couple of sample descriptions, though I expect you may want to modify them to better fit your concept of how your new item fits into the game.


For the first example, I am making the following assumptions. You want the PC to start with the item, or get it somewhere special like the PC's cabin on the Harbinger. The item creates the illusion of being a Twi'lek as in the name of the item. This item is unique, and no additional copies will be randomly found in the game.


Example 1: In order to better disappear during exile, former Jedi <FullName> had this Mental Boost D-package implant modified to include a holographic disguise emitter. The holograph makes the user appear as a blue male Twi'lek. As with any D-package implant, only the healthiest individuals may use them.


For the second example, I only assume that the item actually changes the PC into a male Twi'lek (in which case, BTW, the item itself should have a new name since it is not really an illusion).


Example 2: This implant contains nanobots programmed to partially rewrite the genetic code of the user. The genetic changes cause the user to become a Twi'lek and also enhance all mental capabilities. The physical stress caused by these changes means that only the healthiest individuals can use this implant.

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