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Changing server after switching to full


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You can start a new character on a new server. At the character selection screen select "Create new character" and you can select server, species, etc. if you want your current character on a different server, that wont happen without at least 30 bucks out of your pocket for a character transfer.


keep in mind you can have 2 characters per server and up to 10 characters per account. Good luck.

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Lies. They have hinted off and on at maybe in the future giving free server transfers as a way of maybe boosting community on servers and possible shutting down other servers. but nothing now allows you to transfer your characters to another server for free.

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would it be possible to get the items moved from one server to another when my new character gets off of tansari??


like just move the items and deeds over

and not the character


possibly be cheeper (meaning free)


idk....not spending 50$ though


If you're character on one server hasn't left Tansari yet, it's really not that hard to start over on a new server that you want to play on. Annoying yes, but very do-able. Since you've already done it once, doing it again will be that much faster lol. And it's a lot better then spending that $50 bucks.

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There is categorically NO WAY WHATSOEVER to do it. They will not take any amount of money to transfer just items over to another character on another server. Now, if you wanted to make a new character on the same server, you have the ability to make 2 characters per server. You can start over a new one, and how you would go about giving any items that are not no-trade items is to drop them in a house and have your alt pick them up.

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