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Disguise UTI's...


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So i've been trying to make some disguise and other uniform UTI's for TSL (like the Sith Trooper, Sith Assassin, Sith Commando, Ubese armor, etc), but i can't figure out how, i know that kind of thing has been done though so i was wondering what values were necessary for those appearances? is there a list somewhere?


edit: lol nvm about the Disguises, i just found that in the item properties for UTI's. still could use help for some other ones that aren't disguises (like Republic Soldier armor).

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edit: lol nvm about the Disguises, i just found that in the item properties for UTI's. still could use help for some other ones that aren't disguises (like Republic Soldier armor).
The appearance of a disguise is determined by the subtype of the disguise property (59). Enter the row number of the appearance you want (from appearance.2da) in the subtype field. For example, if you want the disguise to make you look like Saul Karath, you would enter 11 as the value.
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As this isn't a KT related question, it is a modding question moving to Holowan Labs proper. ;)


oh, well i was using KT to do it so i figured it was (don't know anything else to make UTI's with anyway). sry about that...


anyway, for disguises i've pretty much got what i want (except Sith Assassin crashes if you try to turn your character into one). Now it's just finding the appropriate model and texture values for other things like Republic soldier armor...i suppose i could try trial and error....bleh...

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