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[NSW-Fic] Warhammer 40,000: Gue'vesa

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I am human, but I do not serve the so-called Immortal God Emperor of Man, nor do I serve the vile Gods of Chaos. I serve the Greater Good, and I fight for the Tau Empire, for I am a Gue'vesa.


Following the Damocles Gulf Crusade, several Imperial Guard regiments, including my ancestors, found themselves stranded deep within Tau Space, were given the choice between joining the Greater Good or becoming prisoners, and most chose to join the Tau. I am descended from them.


My story begins on the planet Dal'sha. I was among a group sent from T'au to investigate an attack there. We suspected Space Marines, but we had no proof. I nervously checked the rounds in my Pulse Rifle. I had never faced soldiers of the Imperium before, let alone Space Marines. My service to the Tau had been primarily against the Orks and the Tyranids. The Orca Dropship carrying my squad of Gue'vesa Warriors, and another squad of Kroot Carnivores landed, and we got out. "Shas'O, we've landed on the planet's surface. So far it's nothing but wreckage. Awaiting orders." I transmitted to our mission leader, Shas'O T'au Mont'yr. "Very good, Gue'vesa'ui. Have your men scout the area for survivors, and have the Kroot guard your ship." The Tau Commander replied. "Understood, Shas'O." I told him. "Alright men, fan out, Commander Mon'tyr wants us to scan this area for survivors." I informed the men under my command.


Though we were not Tau, we wore armor like them, albeit modified to fit a human. At first glance, we were insdistinguishable from Tau Fire Warriors, but perhaps that is not a bad thing, as I've heard that Imperial Guardsmen and Space Marines have a special hatred for humans like us.

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