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The "Kill Bin Ladin" smiley!

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Tie Guy

Is it the bloody one in your sig? I doubt that Chris will put that up, its a little violent and not SW related. Funny though.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Chris wouldn't put that up in a million years. But join the Anti-Bin Laden Galactic Battles Forum Association. (ABLGBFA) Just put this in your sig "A proud member of ABLGBFA". Oh and thrawn keep up the good work with your smilies. You and mijtech are awsome smiley makers.:)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Lol kvan love your avtar. It looks hilarious, a change from your old one. I guess we all need a change once in a while...

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Oh, hilarious Kvan. YOU were the one that couldn't make your Mon Cal BLINK! :p

I CAN make him blink! How do you think I made my sabers in my sig? I just chose not to have him blink! :mon:

BTW Do Mon Cals even blink?! I know Bith don't

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

I CAN make him blink! How do you think I made my sabers in my sig? I just chose not to have him blink! :mon:

BTW Do Mon Cals even blink?! I know Bith don't


I'm pretty sure they do, you can see in the movies that they have eyelids curled up above their eyes.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


I'm pretty sure they do, you can see in the movies that they have eyelids curled up above their eyes.

Yeah, but have you ever seen them blink in the movies? :p

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Originally posted by Young David

'And who did those other cool smilies?' you wonder ...


As being the first smilie maker on this forum I made these:




After that everyone made smilies so I quit ... so now y'all know :)

Why did you quit anyway YD? You were good
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