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Appearance-changing script

Ferc Kast

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I've tried compiling the following script, but it won't compile. So, what am I doing incorrectly? Also, could you point me to a script that would allow me to change an appearance in K1? Thanks in advance.


void ChangeObjectAppearance( object GetFirstPC(), int 69 );


The problem is that you don't have any starter function (main()) and that you are including data type definitions in a function call, which you shouldn't do. So...

void main() {
   ChangeObjectAppearance(GetFirstPC(), 69);

...should work.


KOTOR1 does not have any appearance changing scripting functions, so you can't permanently change someone's appearance via scripts. The best you can do is a temporary change using disguises.

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KOTOR1 does not have any appearance changing scripting functions, so you can't permanently change someone's appearance via scripts. The best you can do is a temporary change using disguises.


So, I would then use the following script for a K1 version?


void main() {
   GetFirstPC() = GetSpellTargetObject();
   effect EffectDisguise(int DISGUISE_TYPE_C_GIZKA);

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