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[K1] Possible cheat

Christos K

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I was wondering if it is possible to make a cheat. If it is possible could someone make a cheat that spawns Darth Malak right infront of you no matter where you are. You will have 20 seconds to activate force powers etc and then he will attack you. If this is not possible then could someone make a stim or something that does the exact same thing. (You will have an infinate amount of these stims) Thanks!

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Ok thanks for informing me on that so if it would be possible to make a stim that you have infinate of that would be great! Or it doesnt have to be a stim maybe it could be an armband or a force power, I would actually prefer a stim or armband over a force power but whichever is easiest even if you have to replace one of the following stims or armband (I never use them anyways) that would also be great!. Thanks in advance!

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Ok thanks for informing me on that so if it would be possible to make a stim that you have infinate of that would be great! Or it doesnt have to be a stim maybe it could be an armband or a force power, I would actually prefer a stim or armband over a force power but whichever is easiest even if you have to replace one of the following stims or armband (I never use them anyways) that would also be great!. Thanks in advance!

The stim thing would not work however a computer panel or a npc will work.

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Well I guess if it is not possible to make a stim then I an armband would be fine. In fact it could be similar to the Sith Training Armband in the All In One Force Powers Mod. If it was an armband that spawned Malak would it interfere with that mod because I have that mod installed... Actually it would be cool to have a couple of people that you could battle (I hope it is ok to use the same idea as it is in that mod?) Like maybe be it could be Darth Malak, Dark Bastila, Darth Bandon, Jolee, Juhani, Master Dorak, Master Zhar, Master Vandar, and Master Vrook. This would be their stats:

Darth Malak- default

Darth Bandon- default

Dark Bastila- default

Darth Revan- Has the same exact stats as you do and is wearing the same things your are, only with his robes and a HOTF saber. (If this is not possible then he will just have 450 vitaility and 550 forcepoints, 38 all attributes, and 47 defense, 50 to all saving throws: specific.)

Jolee- The same as he is in your party (If not possible will be the same as council members/purple saber)

Juhani- Same as she is in your party(If not possible will be the same as council members/blue saber)

All council members will have 320 vitality and 340 force points with 29 all atributes,

Master Dorak will have a yellow saber,

Master Vandar will have purple saber,

Master Vrook will have a green saber,

Master Zhar will have a blue saber.


If it is too hard or too much to make this mod then I am fine with just Darth Malak and Darth Revan. Thanks in advance

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