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DE-50 Blaster Pistol (plus more)

Darth Payne

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For a while now i've wanted to see this mod made a reality.


Basically it is a Desert Eagle. See, very simple. What i had in mind is a combination of the pics (whos link i've dded below).


The first pic has the trigger guard lasersight for added accuracy (during snipershot).


The second is the DE at the upper part of the pic, it has the scope for even more accuracy (also because most, if not all, blasters i've seen so for has scope looking things on).


1: http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Danyael27/?action=view&current=DESERTEAGLE2.jpg




PS: I've also decided to add the link for a few other things i'de like to see made.


The First is the ancient ancestor of the DL-44 (that's Han Solo's blaster if you didn't know).


1: http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Danyael27/?action=view&current=01.jpg


The Second is for something i've never seen. You can fin a ton of Mandalorian Armor or Blasters, i've never seen a Mandalorian Axe.


2: http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Danyael27/?action=view&current=FutureScythe-Axe.jpg


And Third we have a possible replacement for the Long Sword and Short Sword default blades. The long sword as you might guess is the top one, the short sword one is the middle one.


3: http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Danyael27/?action=view&current=Samurai3000CollectorsSet.jpg


and Last we have the Jedi Battle Armor. Some of you might recognize this guy from The Force Unleashed, anyway here it is.


4: http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Danyael27/?action=view&current=JediKota01.jpg


And If you need ideas for Melee weapons:


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so... youre making those or are u requesting them (in that case youre in the wrong forum)


those swords look perfect btw.


oh and there are some other "manga guns" (like the dl-44 ancestor you linked to) that would look good in star wars...

ill look and see if i can find any links


EDIT: oh and personally i dont think the desert eagle should be used in star wars since its such a famous weapon that you'll associate it with the real world and not star wars... more obscure weapons are to be preferred (look at the russians for inspiration since most of their new weapons are not commonly known)

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If a moderator sees this thread, coud you move it? I only realised after i posted that i'd posted it int the wrong place, and don't know how to move it (If i even can).


And yes Oddball, i am requesting them.


I don't have the skills to make mods, therefor i've begun to see myself as an advisor.


I've got plenty of ideas.




Not so much.


PS: InyriForge also made the SOCOM hand gun, with silencer.


Moved... -RH

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