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Re-using Endar Spire Interior

Darth Payne

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Is it possible to use the interior of the Endar Spire as the interior of the republic ship you can see behind the Ebon Hawk on Rakata?


Inside you could find both Black Rakata as well as a couple of republic survivors inside the room you start in over Taris.


It always anoyed me a bit that i could see the ship being so close, yet i could not enter the ship.

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Yep, thats what i thought.


Edit: One function i missed in K1 that you can find in K2 is the ability to use mines to blow open jammed doors.


If that could be added to this, is it not also possible to re-use the room you start in as additional crew quarters(sp?)?


I always found it a bit odd that we an only find one room like that.

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