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Light Side and Dark Side "Resistance" and "Damage"

Jacen Stargazer

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I was wondering something. In KotOR there is the Solari crystal, which supposedly causes extra damage to Darksiders, and in TSL there are various artifacts that offer "resistance" to Dark Side and Light Side, such as the Qel-Droma belt. However, there are some problems with this, and I would like to know how exactly the "resistance" and "extra damage" works.


For the extra damage, it could only work one way- The target is dark-side in alignment. But, no enemy in KotOR is aligned anway else than neutral, and aligned characters are rare in TSL. My proof of this in KotOR is that in the feedback, when they use a Dark-Side power, the alignment bonus is 0- while for dark-side party members have a bonus. Not even Malak is dark-side aligned! So, how does the Solari crystal know that an enemy is dark-sided?


The second is the resistance. Their are two ways this could work- once again, the item could detect that the enemy is aligned other than neutral, but such enemies are rare. The other way is that if a force power is used on the holder of the item, the item negates the damage. This negates the usefulness of light-side resistance, as no offensive light-side force powers exist. (Dark-side resistance would be very useful however, as every dark-side power is offensive)


So, how do the resistances and extra damages work?

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For the extra damage, it could only work one way- The target is dark-side in alignment. But, no enemy in KotOR or TSL are aligned anway else than neutral.

To answer part of your question, that's untrue. Proof? Use the Force Sight power and look at any NPC on TSL. You'll see their alignment.

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To answer part of your question, that's untrue. Proof? Use the Force Sight power and look at any NPC on TSL. You'll see their alignment.


That being said, I think Jacen got a point. All the Sith Troopers are Netrual, and the DS Monsters on Korriban are LS due to a bug. I know however that there are some DS enemies you fight...the Sith Lords, the Sith Assisans, Vaklu's men (however, Vaklu himself is Netrual), and the mercs on Dantoonie (but Azklu is also Netrual as well). Not sure of the Exchange men, but most of them as Droids, as far as I know. And LS enemies too...the Jedi Masters.

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I played TSL a bit more, going through Ludo Kressh's tomb on Korriban, and the visions of Malak, Kreia, Revan, Mandalorians, etc, are all dark side. The hississ are neutral, though, and the visions of your party members are lightsided. That's understandable, as I was on as LS player and the developers just copied all the stuff, except health points, off the characters. However, anything formed by the dark side in the tomb of a Sith should be dark side aligned, IMHO.


What's weird is that, before you confront the vision of Revan, there's another vision standing right next to him. It looks like you, is only called "Dark Jedi", and is DS aligned. It fades as soon as you approach Revan.

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What's weird is that, before you confront the vision of Revan, there's another vision standing right next to him. It looks like you, is only called "Dark Jedi", and is DS aligned. It fades as soon as you approach Revan.

IMO, there is a pattern, and this pattern could lead you to what might happen in the future. When you see Malak recruiting, that is the past. You see Kreia and your party members, this is present. The vision of you and Revan...future. Interesting isn't it?


Back on topic: I do agree with the developers using a tad bit more common sense. But you know I am not a person that makes video games, and I am sure doing something like this would take a considerable amount of time. To bad you don't have the 'Force-Sight' ability in KotOR 1...

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IMO, there is a pattern, and this pattern could lead you to what might happen in the future. When you see Malak recruiting, that is the past. You see Kreia and your party members, this is present. The vision of you and Revan...future. Interesting isn't it?

You're just forggeting one thing: There's another vision from the past. The one that shows the Dxun battle of the Mandalorian Wars.

Back on topic: I do agree with the developers using a tad bit more common sense. But you know I am not a person that makes video games, and I am sure doing something like this would take a considerable amount of time. To bad you don't have the 'Force-Sight' ability in KotOR 1...

Yeah, well. I think that was really done poorly. But, again, the whole Force Sight ability wasn't of much use, anyway.

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