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Uthar Question


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After you open up kotor tool you will see approximately four items displayed bifs rims erf's and save's if you have any. click on Bif's;Templates.bif;blueprint character, and then find uthar you will then need to extract this file by clicking on the extract biff file button in the top right hand corner. then under 2da array find the 2da find the appearance.2da file and extract that the same way.

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That's the tough part... actually it has nothing to do with the UTC file (yet), you've got to edit the .2da appearance, add Uthar on to it, then you'll need to make Bandon's robe a wearable item as well... that parts kinda tough... well for new modders, then you gotta somehow equip Bandon's robe on Uthar on the UTC file.


What would have happened, was they would have told you to change his appearance to "Unique Darth Bandon" and then Uthar would have changed into the appearance of Bandon instead of just the robe.

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Just give the clothing appearance that Bandon has on to Uthar in the appearance.2da file. You wouldn't need to make any UTC file changes if you did it that way. The only reason why you would edit it UTC file is to give him a clothing option that points to a different armor texture then what Bandon is wearing. Say you made a custom texture just for Uthar. Then you would need to edit his UTC file to give him the new UTI file with the item that lines up with the new texture.

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