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A Threat From Within

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Chapter 10


Karin Organa stared out the viewport of her office over the grand capital city of the Republic as she contemplated dispatching the Republic Navy to Axum. The planet’s senator was still missing, and there had been no communication of any kind since the shooting. Karin couldn’t help but think that the incidents on Axum and Corellia were somehow related even though there was no evidence to indicate it. An old friend had taught her that true coincidences were rare, and she had taken it to heart. She smiled to herself; she was starting to sound like a Jedi.


“Madam Chancellor, Senator Solo from Corellia is here.”


The intercom interrupted Karin’s thoughts, but at least it was good news. She quickly responded


“Send him in Tess.”


The door opened and Senator Edvar Solo, flanked by two members of the Republic Diplomatic Security Service, strode into the room. Solo was tall by Corellian standards and his dark brown hair, brown eyes, and charming smile made many women melt. Karin Organa, however, was not one of those women.


“Senator Solo, please sit down.”


“Was this really necessary?” he replied gesturing to the two uniformed men by his side.


“For your safety Senator. Axum’s senator has not been seen in a day and I am concerned.”


“I see, well what do you need Madam Chancellor?”


“Explain to me what is happening on Corellia right now?”


“What do you mean?”


“Don’t play dumb with me Senator, you know what I mean. The political riots, the arrests, I want to know what’s happening.”


“Madam Chancellor, those are Corellian internal affairs and frankly none of the Republic’s business.”


“Senator, if you want to play that game with me go ahead, but know that I plan on having the Jedi investigate this. Perhaps you’ll be more cooperative with them.”


Solo smiled that annoying smirk Karin had grown to despise.


“Do whatever you want Madam Chancellor, but you and I are done talking.”


“This will not be the last time we speak Senator, you can count on it. Officers, escort the senator out.”


One of the guards touched Solo on the shoulder and he rose, shrugging the guard away, and left the office.


“Damn arrogant, introverted Corellians.” Organa muttered. She needed the Jedi and she needed them now.


She walked over to her personal communications suite and opened a channel to the Jedi Temple.



It was Juhani who answered when the Chancellor’s call came through to the Temple.


“Yes Madam Chancellor, how may I help you?”


“Juhani, is Bastila available?”


“No, I’m afraid Bastila is in deep meditation and cannot be disturbed.”


“I see, do you know when I will be able to speak with her?”


“I’m afraid not. Bastila still bears many scars from her time as Darth Malak’s apprentice and it is difficult to tell how long she will be secluded.”


Organa sighed audibly, clearly irritated.


“Is there something I could do for you Madam Chancellor?”


“Perhaps…I would like the Jedi to investigate the recent happenings on Corellia. I am afraid the political instability there could affect the Republic as a whole.”


“I see, I will dispatch two Jedi Knights to Corellia and I will let you know what they find.”


“Thank you Juhani, Organa out.”


Juhani deactivated the communications unit and thought about who she might send to Corellia. In truth, Bastila and Jolee being gone left only a handful of candidates besides herself. Out of those candidates only one really had enough experience to deal with a delicate situation such as this, Aeris Ta’nil. Aeris was a Twilek Jedi that had turned up at the temple several months ago. Bastila had confirmed her identity in the Jedi archives, but beyond the fact that she was a Jedi, that she had been trained on Coruscant, the date of her promotion to Jedi Knight, and the date she had last been seen on Coruscant, there was no record of her missions or anything for that matter. Bastila had asked Aeris about it and her response had been that it was not her responsibility to enter data into the archives. Aeris had also told Bastila that she was not interested in a leadership role even though she was almost five years senior to both herself and Bastila. Despite that, she had been very helpful with the work around the temple and had been assisting Jolee with Dustil’s training. Her mind made up, Juhani extracted her commlink.


“Juhani to Aeris, are you there?”


“Yes Juhani, what is it?”


“Could I speak with you please?”


“Of course, I will join you shortly, Aeris out.”


It did not take Aeris long to turn up in the Council Chamber. As she strode in Juhani noted that she was dressed typical of a Twilek female wearing a midriff revealing brown top, pants, and black boots with her lightsaber hanging from her utility belt. Juhani was willing to be that her dress was a source of contention between Aeris and her masters at one point.


“Thank you for coming. Would you be willing to take on a mission?”


“What does it involve?”


“There have been political disturbances on Corellia recently, and Chancellor Organa is concerned. She would like to find out exactly what has been happening.”


“And you want me to find out for her?”


“Yes and there is one more thing, I would like you to take Dustil with you.”


“Do you think that’s a good idea? He’s very inexperienced.”


“Yes, I know, but this would be a good opportunity for him to learn. It should be an uncomplicated mission.”


“Politics is rarely uncomplicated,” Aeris responded “but I will take him with me.”


“Thank you, there are a few fighters left in the hangar you can use those for transportation.”


Aeris didn’t respond, but merely nodded, and left the chamber.




The oceanic planet Manaan was one of the few planets that had been untouched by the recent wars that had ravaged many of the other Republic worlds. She had maintained her neutral stance in galactic politics for generations despite the best machinations of the Mandalorians and Darth Malak. Then, Revan had arrived on the planet and changed it forever. In a matter of days the Jedi had uncovered a Sith plot to undermine the government, resolved a murder trial of a famous Republic war hero, and revealed to the Selkath the sacred progenitor of their legends.


Revan’s acts had a profound effect on the Selkath government and caused them to reexamine their political allegiance. After Darth Malak had fallen Manaan had approached the Republic with a membership petition. The Senate, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, gladly accepted. None of it matter to Drekken though, he had never concerned himself with politics, just the truth. Today he would administer a dose of the truth to Ahto City.


Drekken was nowhere near the explosions when they blossomed into the crystal sky above Ahto City. The first bomb obliterated parts of the main kolto processing planet, and the killed hundreds of Selkath and human workers. The second fireball bloomed outward from the main court where a trial had been in progress. It killed all in attendance and several citizens outside as well. Ahto City was in complete chaos and that was just how Drekken preferred it.

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Chapter 11


The Dantooine sun broke over the tranquil plains and began a new day for the planet. At the Jedi Enclave, however, the day had begun several hours before dawn. Bao Dur and T-3 were at work on the main computer, Atton was on board the Ebon Hawk attempting to repair even a little of the damage the ship had sustained, Visas had taken to cataloging the artifacts from Telos, Mira was supervising the work crew in the sublevel, and in the main chamber Carth, Bastila, Jolee, Atris, and Brianna were attempting to determine the course of action that would best benefit the Order and the Republic.


“Before the arrival of Bastila and her friends what were your plans,” Atris asked Brianna.


“Gaven was specific with his instructions that we remain here and continue the restoration.”


“Why” Bastila questioned “Why not have you come to the Temple?”


“I confess I don’t know,” Brianna stated “Perhaps he didn’t know the Temple was occupied, but he seemed to feel the Enclave was important.”


“Revan was specific too,” Carth said “She wanted us to stay behind so she ordered T-3 to conceal her location.”


“I see,” Atris replied


She started to say more, but was interrupted by the arrival of a droid, but not just any droid. This particular droid was carrying a blaster rifle with a scope attachment, and was prodding a human male who quite frankly, was scared to death.


“Threatening Statement: Walk faster meatbag or I will take great pleasure in turning your organic parts to dust”


The young man saw the assembled group and cried out fearfully.


“P-please help me! Th-this droid is crazy!”


“Condescending Statement: I am a droid, droids cannot be crazy.”


“HK-47 that is quite enough,” Brianna said “What is going on?”


“Statement: This meatbag was attempting to gain access to this facility. As you commanded I did not blast him on sight even though that would have been the preferred course of action.”


“I will handle this, you may return to the perimeter.”


“Reluctant Compliance: As you wish.”


HK-47 turned and left the chamber and the young man he’d been prodding with the blaster rifle approached the assembled group.


“I see HK-47 hasn’t changed a bit,” Carth quipped.


“I tolerate him for security,” Brianna replied “I’ve never seen a droid with such programming. It is…odd.”


“You have no idea,” Carth said with a smile. He turned to the young man


“What can we do for you son?”


“I-I am an administrative assistant for Governor Adare. I have a message for Admiral Onasi.”


“That’s me,” Carth replied


“Here you go.”


The young man handed over a holocube which Carth accepted.


“Thank you, you can leave the way you came in. The droid won’t give you any more trouble. Please give Governor Adare my thanks.”


The young man nodded, even though he looked like he didn’t quite believe that HK-47 wouldn’t intercept him a second time, and left the chamber.


“What is it Carth?” Bastila asked


“It’s from Admiral Dodonna.”


“The main computer is offline,” Brianna said “but you should be able to use the computer on the Ebon Hawk to read it.”


“Let’s do that, Forn wouldn’t have sent this if it weren’t important.”


The group made their way to the Hawk and found Atton with his head inside one of the consoles.


“Atton?” Brianna questioned


Atton tried to sit up and his head smacked into the underside of the panel.




Atton stood up rubbing his head, and responded “What’s up?”


“Is the ship’s computer active? Admiral Onasi needs to play a message.”


“Yeah, sure, have at it. I’ll go work on the hyperdrive.”


Atton moved on, and Carth put the holocube into the reader. He entered the proper decryption protocol and within a few seconds Admiral Dodonna materialized.


“Carth, I wouldn’t have sent you this but I have bad news. Chancellor Organa has been asking about you and things are a little chaotic here. I’ve stalled the chancellor for now, but she can be tenacious. I won’t order you back Carth, but I would recommend you return as soon as you can. Dodonna out.”


The image faded and Carth considered Dodonna’s words.


“I should go back,” he finally said “I still have a duty to the Republic.”


“Perhaps we should all go” Atris mused.


All eyes turned to her.


“What about Gaven’s directive?” Brianna asked


“Gaven wants you to help the Republic, I can think of no better place to do that from than the Temple on Coruscant.”


“What about the archive?”


“Could one of your group stay behind to guard it?” Bastila asked


Brianna contemplated the suggestion and Bao Dur’s name immediately came to mind. The Iridorian’s skills had proven invaluable to this point and he did seem more at home working on the rebuilding than anything else.


“I have someone in mind, but I think I should speak to everyone together.”


Brianna collected Atton on the way off the ship and contacted the others via commlink pulling them in from their various tasks. Bao Dur arrived last as he was the furthest away from the main chamber. Brianna began to address the group as he walked up.


“Admiral Onasi has received a message asking him to return to Coruscant. I believe that it would be in the best interest of the Jedi Order and the Republic if we accompany him and join Bastila and Jolee in the Jedi Temple.”


“Wait a sec,” Mira said “Just a few days ago you wanted to stay here and now you want to leave?”


“Our situation has changed, and I believe there is more benefit to moving to the Temple.”


“Uh huh…right.”


“Listen missy, “ Jolee interjected “You’re not looking at the big picture. There are maybe a dozen Jedi left in this galaxy and we need all the help we can get, and visibility is the best way we can help. So, if I were you I’d open your mind and close your mouth.”


Bastila and Carth exchanged glances. It had been a long time since they’d seen Jolee scold anyone like that. It reminded Bastila of the way he used to talk to Revan, and she even smiled a little bit. Mira on the other hand was slightly taken aback by the elder Jedi’s tone, so much so that she didn’t utter another objection.

Brianna took advantage of the silence to question Atton.


“Atton is the Ebon Hawk ready?”


“Sure if you consider the navicomputer is still voice locked, several of the panels still don’t work, and she needs a major overhaul to fix the structural damage.”


“Will the ship fly?” Brianna countered.


“Yeah, she’ll fly.”


Brianna nodded and turned to Bao Dur.


“Bao Dur, would you be willing to remain here, guard the archive, and supervise the restoration work?”


“I don’t have a problem with that, I can accomplish more work that way, but you’ll need T-3 to make your hyperspace corrections.”


“Can you work without him?”


“I can, there’s plenty to do around here.”


“Does anyone have any objections to this plan?”


No argument came, and Brianna continued.


“Atton, please take Mira, go to Khoonda and gather some supplies.”


“Sure thing.”


“Jolee and I will give you a hand,” Carth said.


They broke away and left the chamber.


“I’m going to check in with the foreman and explain the situation to him. Bao Dur will you come with me.”


Bao Dur nodded and followed her off to find the foreman of the work crew leaving only Visas, Bastila, and Atris in the chamber.


“Brianna’s loyalty to Gaven is deep.” Bastila commented


“They are joined in spirit and mind,” Visas replied “The separation is painful for her.”


“I know her pain well,” Atris said “I once had feelings for him as well…”




“I lost it all when he chose Revan.”


“I am not so certain anymore that Revan was wrong.”


“Neither am I.”




Amara looked out from the jail cell and smiled to herself. The Corellian Royal Guard had arrested her five times in the last several weeks, but each time they threw her in prison the larger her following grew. More and more of Corellia’s citizens were seeing things her way, and soon her time would come.

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Chapter 12


First Corellia, then Axum, and now Manann. Karin Organa paced the length of her office as she read the damage and casualty reports from the Selkath. The worst of the damage had been done in the one place Ahto City, and the Republic couldn’t afford to lose, the main Kolto processing facility. The Selkath indicated it would slow production by at least sixty percent for as long as it took to rebuild the facility.


The whole thing seemed almost overwhelming to Karin. It seemed like the galaxy was going to hell and there was nothing she could do about it. In the past, the men and women who had occupied her office had turned to the Jedi when all hell broke loose, but with the Jedi themselves broken who was she going to turn to?


“Madam Chancellor, Admiral-


“Send her in.” Karin said cutting off the intercom.


The door to her office opened and Forn Dodonna strode in. The look on her face was grim as she stopped in front of the desk and stood at attention.


“Admiral, have you seen the reports from Manaan?”


“Yes Ma’am.”


“What in the name of the Force is happening Forn? The damn galaxy is falling apart.”


“Ma’am, if you want my strategic opinion, we need to help the Selkath rebuild as quickly as they can manage. Then we need to deal with the situation on Axum. We haven’t heard so much as a peep from the planet in days and our intel people can’t get anything either.”


“That’s why I have two tasks for you Admiral. I want you to send a strike group to Axum, and make sure they understand that they are not fire a single shot except in self defense or whoever is in command will answer to me personally. Second, I’ve ordered three transports loaded with the best engineers and equipment we can find. I want two ships assigned to escort them to Manaan.”


“Yes Ma’am. I’ll see to it immediately.”


“Good, you can go.”


Dodonna saluted, did an about face, and left the office. Karin sank into her chair and sighed, things couldn’t possibly get any worse.




With the midday sun as a backdrop, the Ebon Hawk lifted neatly out of the landing bay and rose into the Dantooine sky. Atton worked the ship’s controls with Carth beside him and the rest of the ragtag group spread throughout the ship. As they cleared Dantooine’s upper atmosphere Atton began to enter the hyperspace coordinates for Coruscant into the computer.


“What kind of shape is the hyperdrive in?” Carth asked


“We’ll know in a second,” Atton replied


He finished with the plot and engaged the ship’s hyperdrive. The Hawk shuddered but responded by entering hyperspace.


“The Hawk wasn’t in nearly this bad of shape the last time I saw her,” Carth said “What happened?”


“The real question is what didn’t happen,” Atton quipped “Between being shot up by the Sith, the Onderon military, and crash landing on Dxun and Malachor, it’s a wonder this thing can even get off the ground.”


“That’s quite a list.”


“You’re tellin me, and it doesn’t help that we have to use that little rolling trash compactor to make our hyperspace corrections either.”


“Why not replace the navicomputer?”


“I tried; Gaven wouldn’t let me, something about Revan.”


“He was trying to get by the voice lock?”


“Trying is an understatement.”


“How did you meet him?”


“I helped him escape Peragus.”


“So you were with him the whole time?”


“Yeah, and let me tell you it was no pleasure cruise either. Jedi, especially that one, seem to have a knack for finding trouble.”


Carth chuckled remembering that he used to think the same thing.


“That they do, but you became one anyway?”


Atton shrugged “I have my reasons, but what about you? What’s your story with Revan?”


Carth’s smile faded as he thought about her. With all the activity lately he hadn’t had much time to dwell on how much he missed her. It was almost as if there was an open wound in his soul. He had to find her again, he couldn’t imagine losing a woman he loved a second time.


“I saved her life,” he finally responded “Before she knew who she was. I stayed with her as we tracked the Star Forge and somewhere along the way I fell in love with her.”


“So that’s why you’re so bent on finding her.”

Carth nodded “That and the Senate wants to hunt her down and bring her back like some common criminal.”


“Typical politicians,” Atton replied “No appreciation for anyone but themselves.”


Carth smiled again “I couldn’t agree more.”




Brianna’s muscles burned, and her heart pumped blood to her exerted lungs, arms, and legs. It had been months since she’d even thought about her training routines and now she was feeling her lack of practice. She scolded herself mentally for her lack of dedication as she stopped to catch her breath. She was preparing to move into the advanced movements when she became aware of another presence. She turned and saw Bastila Shan standing in the doorway to the cargo hold.


“Quite an impressive display, what is it?”


“They are Echani martial arts; all Echani children are taught the movements from childhood.”


“I see, why do you practice them?”


“It is no different than you practicing your lightsaber techniques. I practice to keep my body sharp, my mind clear, and they pass the time.”


“I was wondering if I might speak with you.”


“If you wish.”


“I’ve noticed that you are very loyal to Gaven, it is an admirable quality.”


“It is…more than that.”






“Yet you still manage to keep your composure and function as a leader. How do you do it?”


“I do so because I must, for those that follow my direction. It was not a role I chose, but one that was forced on me when he left. Why are you asking me this?”


“I apologize, I didn’t mean to offend you. I ask because you and Carth are going through the same thing, and he does not like to talk about it, and I ask…I ask for myself. Even with all my Jedi training I still have trouble controlling some of my stronger emotions sometimes, and my time as Darth Malak’s apprentice does not make it any easier.”


“I was not aware that you were Malak’s apprentice.”


“It is not something I am proud of.”


“Yet you stand here a Jedi?”


“Thanks to Revan. She turned me back to the light. She could have killed me easily, but she refused. She saw in me what I could not.”


“I see, there are techniques that Echani warriors use to clear their minds. I can teach you, but you must open your mind and acknowledge your emotions before you can control them.”


Bastila nodded “I would like to learn.”


“Join me then.”




In the port dormitory of the Hawk Atris sat in a meditation posture. The Force flowed around her as she attempted to center herself, and then she heard a voice.


“It’s been a long time.”


She opened her eyes to meet the gaze of the Jedi in front of her.


“Jolee Bindo, it’s been a very long time. Not since you walked out on your knighting ceremony as I recall.”


“Hmph, it always amazed me how so many Jedi could all be wrong about the same thing.”


“A common trend it seems.”


“So it is, but I’m curious as to what role you plan to take in this situation we’re in.”


“I don’t know, I am no Master, I know that much.”


“Aren’t you? And here I’d thought you’d been promoted years ago.”


“I fell Jolee, I was controlled by arrogance, and hatred, and I betrayed the Jedi. All those deaths on Katarr, those deaths are on my hands.”


“Those deaths belong to the Sith, not you.”


“I called that conclave Jolee.”


“And you think that he wouldn’t have found Katarr sooner or later? From what I’ve heard it was only a matter of time.”


“Perhaps, but how can I possibly teach when all I’ve been taught is wrong?”


“Now, that, is a very good question.”


With that Jolee turned and left Atris alone, and she wondered how the brash young man she’d known on Coruscant had become such a wise old man.



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Chapter 13:


Arix Cirrus returned the salute from the guards as he entered the brand new planetary defense center, and he was greeted by General Alavai the center’s commander.


“Good Morning Sir.”


“It will only be a good morning if you tell me we are in complete control of the planet.”


“Almost Sir, there are some pockets of resistance in the northern provinces led by troops loyal to the president but we outnumber them almost three to one.”


“Good and the fleet is still jamming transmissions?”


“Yes Sir. There have been several inquiries from the Republic about President Rix’s status.”


“Send no response; we no longer answer to the Republic as they will find out soon enough.”


“Yes Sir.”


“What about the body and our shooter?”


“Both have been dealt with as you ordered.”


“Very good General, continue to proceed as I ordered.”


“Yes Sir.”


“I am meeting with Admiral Perth in twenty minutes to discuss the second part of the plan. I will check in later.”


“Yes Sir.”


Alavai saluted his commander who returned the gesture. Then Cirrus turned away and headed for the hangar of the facility. No one was in front of him to see the menacing yellow flash in his eyes.




Two flashes preluded the arrival of the twin Jedi fighters in the Corellian system. Aeris banked her fighter toward Corellia with Dustil following suit.


“Let me handle the initial contact Dustil,” Aeris instructed “Corellians can be…difficult to deal with.”


“Reminds me of a certain Jedi I know


“If I am difficult it is because you deserve it,” Aeris responded, and then turned her attention to procuring their landing clearance.


“Coronet Spaceport Control, this is Jedi Knight Aeris Ta’Nil requesting approach vector and docking assignment for two vessels bearing three-five-zero.”


“Negative Jedi Ta’Nil turn to heading three-four-zero and await further instructions.”


The response was puzzling to Aeris and she voiced her concern to Dustil


“That was interesting.”


“Sounds like they knew we were coming.”


“I agree, but let’s wait and see what happens.”


Both Jedi turned their fighters to the directed heading, and it wasn’t long before they detected two ships on an intercept course.


“Jedi ships, this is Lieutenant Sal of the Corellian Defense Force. You will fall into formation and not deviate until instructed. Do you understand?”


“Understood Lieutenant, Ta’nil out.”


“They definitely knew we were coming,” Dustil’s voice said in her ear.


“It seems that way. I don’t like this, follow their lead, but keep your eyes open.”


“You got it.”


They followed the CDF fighters into Corellia’s atmosphere as they descended into Corellia’s capital city. They banked over the city center and began to approach the royal palace. As they closed the distance the two Corellian ships peeled off.


“Jedi ships, this is Corellian Royal Guard approach. Continue on present course and proceed to landing pad thirty two.”


Aeris didn’t reply, but slowed her fighter and the landing pads came into view. She followed the directions of the ground crew and set her fighter down on the landing pad with Dustil following seconds later. Aeris opened her cockpit, climbed onto the ladder provided and tossed her headset into the seat before descending. Dustil came over from his fighter and they were greeted by a raven haired woman wearing a Royal Guard uniform.


“Welcome to Corellia. I am Colonel Carissa Tigh, the king’s chief of security and commander of the Royal Guard.”


Aeris bowed slightly “I am Jedi Knight Aeris Ta’nil and this is Padawan Dustil Onasi.”


“Onasi,” the colonel remarked “as in Carth Onasi?”


Dustil nodded “He’s my father.”


“A proud family heritage to be a part of, but please follow me, the king is anxious to speak with you.”


“He is?” Aeris asked “Tell me, how did you know we were coming?”


“Senator Solo informed us the chancellor was sending Jedi.”


Aeris understood now, Chancellor Organa must have told Corellia’s senator that she was planning on sending Jedi to Corellia and he in turn must have told the palace. Aeris was disappointed that they’d lost their element of surprise. It was much more difficult to conduct an investigation if people knew you were coming and could prepare themselves, but she supposed they would have to make due.


Carissa led them down several ornately decorated passages filled with depictions of past kings, Corellian historical events, and intricate sculptures. Aeris admired them as they walked but at the same time she was thinking about how to best approach the king. The chancellor needed information and Aeris needed to get it without offending the Corellians. She decided in the end she would just have to be careful.

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great job as usual but i did find one minor mistake.


The followed the CDF fighters into Corellia’s atmosphere as they descended into Corellia’s capital city. They banked over the city center and began to approach the royal palace. As they closed the distance the two Corellian ships peeled off.


shouldn't it be They followed the CDF fighter.


other then that another great chapter.

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Chapter 14


The fourth moon of Yavin had long been known to the Jedi as a Sith world. The towering abandoned temples on its surface were built by slaves and were artifacts of the dark side of the Force. To one who wanted to hide her existence from the galaxy however, Yavin Four was an ideal location.


Over the years she had explored a great deal of the ruins and touched the Force on a level that most Jedi never come close to achieving. It was because of that deep connection that she felt the change. A subtle dark side veil was beginning to descend over the Force in the galaxy. If she knew nothing else, she knew that she must stop it. She had no idea if she would find help when she returned or even if the Jedi still existed. If they did not, so be it, then she would face it alone. Whatever the situation was she knew there was no other option. It was time for Vima Sunrider to go home.





As Aeris followed Carissa into the throne room of the Corellian Royal Palace, it was about what she had expected. There were more sculptures, paintings, and ornate decorations of every kind. Towards the back of the room stood the thrones of the king and queen, and Aeris noted that they had come in through a side entrance. Carissa led them straight up to the throne where the king was waiting. She genuflected and Aerismotioned to Dustil that they should do the same.


“Your Majesty,” Carissa began “Jedi Knights Aeris Ta’nil and Dustil Onasi.”


“You may rise,” he stated “Jedi have no need to kneel here.”


The trio stood and Aeris bowed to the king before speaking.


“We do so out of respect Your Highness, but thank you.”


“Thank you for showing it, but tell me, what brings you to Corellia?”


“The Chancellor is concerned Your Highness. She fears that the political unrest here on Corellia may have an effect on the Republic as a whole.”


As Aeris finished the sentence she realized that it did not quite come out as tactful as she had hoped, but she realized her fears were unfounded when the king replied.


“It is a concern of mine as well which is why Colonel Tigh is making the silencing of these insurgents her top priority.”


Aeris nodded “What seems to be their agenda?”


“Your Majesty, if I may?” Carissa asked, and when the king nodded she continued “They are separatists, they would see Corellia break away from the Republic and the monarchy abandoned.”


“Have they said why they feel this way?”


“They believe neither institution capable of fulfilling their charge of protecting the people. They are incited by a woman named Amara, she is a powerful speaker. I have heard her speak twice so that I could determine what I was up against.”


Aeris nodded, and even as she was formulating a response she was uneasy. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something in the room was not right. There was a tension that shouldn’t be there, and Aeris began to glance around. There were several guards at different positions including one on either side of the throne.


Suddenly she saw movement, the guard on the left side of the throne had something in his hand, and Aeris didn’t wait to find out what it was. She brushed past Carissa and her lightsaber leapt to her hand the green blade igniting as she reached the guard and leveled the blade so the tip was inches from the man’s neck.


“If you value your life, do not move.” Aeris instructed him.


“What is the meaning of this?” the king asked.


Still focused on the guard Aeris responded “I believe this man was about to make an attempt on your life Your Highness.”


“Surely not,” Carissa protested “Caden is one of my best men!”


“Check his hand,” Aeris insisted


Carissa walked over to them, stepped around Aeris and examined the guard’s hands. She extracted something from his right hand and held it up.


“This blaster isn’t standard issue; this is an assassin’s tool! Caden what the hell is wrong with you?!”


The guard said nothing, and Carissa pulled a comlink from her belt.


“This is Colonel Tigh, Unit One to the throne room immediately. This is not a drill; I repeat this is not a drill.”


She replaced the comlink and explained to Aeris


“Unit One is the king’s protective detail when he travels. They are CDF and isolated from my men,” then she turned to the other guard “Wessen, did you know about this?”


The other man was wide eyed as he responded “N-No Sir.”


“Cover him then,” she replied.


The other guard moved from his position, withdrew a blaster from the holster on his hip and covered the traitor. Aeris withdrew her lightsaber, extinguished it and returned it to her belt. Just then the throne room door burst open and six men in heavy battle armor wielding blaster rifles rushed in. They stopped in front of Carissa and the lead man reported.


“Unit One reporting as ordered Sir.”


“Captain, throne room security has been compromised. Relieve the guards out front, seal the side entrances, and arrest Mister Caden.”


The captain turned to his men and only had to use hand signals to give his instructions. Then he walked over to the treasonous guard, extracted a pair of binders and bound the man’s hands behind his back. He then motioned to two of his men who led the man off to some unknown detention facility. Carissa turned to Aeris and asked the inevitable question


“How did you know?”


“It started as a feeling, but I picked up his movement out of the corner of my eye. I had to act-“


“Or I might have died,” The king finished “Thank you Jedi Ta’nil.”


Aeris bowed “You’re welcome, but I am afraid-“


Aeris felt the dark side presence half a second before the explosion rocked the entire palace. It tossed the two Jedi and the guards to the ground, and the king backward into his throne. The colonel pulled herself to her feet and pulled out her comlink again.


“Colonel Tigh to Post One what the hell was that?!”


“Under attack,” came the static filled response, “pinned down.”


The colonel switched gears “This is Colonel Tigh, the palace is under attack all personnel to defense stations, and set defense condition one. This is not a drill!”


She turned to Aeris “I’m going to lead the defense,”


“Padawan Onasi and I will stay with the king Colonel, you have my word.”


She nodded silently then ran toward the front entrance, and Aeris turned to Dustil


“Do you feel it?”


Dustil nodded “The dark side, and it’s very strong.”


“Yes,” Aeris replied “I fear we may have our share of the battle before it is over.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, finally here is another chapter! I apologize to those who have been reading this fic, and hope you enjoy the latest installment. All feeback is welcome!



Chapter 15


Revan shielded her eyes from the blinding sunlight as she emerged from the Sith temple. The battle droids had finally ceased their relentless attack. She still had no idea where they came from, and right now she didn’t care. She leaned against a pillar near the entryway, she was exhausted, but she needed to get off this rock and back to the Republic or everything she had exhausted herself for would be lost.


“Did you really believe your battle was over?”


Revan looked up, her eyes still not fully adjusted to the light, to see a black clad, shirtless figure. He looked to her as if he might have been human once, but any humanity vanished long ago. His skin was grayed and disfigured, and tattoos and scars littered his features. The dark side of the Force radiated from him like a transponder beacon, and Revan realized that there was little chance he appeared simply to chat.


“I had at least hoped for a nap,” she quipped as she stood up.


The figure did not look like he had sense of humor.


“We knew you would come back Lady Revan, but none imagined it would be as a Jedi.”




“Do you expect me to believe that you don’t remember the time you spent among us learning our teachings and absorbing our ways Revan?”


“Believe what you wish, but the fact is that my memory was erased by the Jedi. I am not the Dark Lord any longer.”


“Then come with me Revan, there are techniques that can repair what those insects did to you. You can lead us and reclaim what is rightfully yours!”


“I see only one problem,” Revan replied “I don’t want to remember. I nearly destroyed this galaxy once and neither I nor anyone else will do so again so long as I live. I am a Jedi Knight and your time, Sith, is at an end.”


A hideous twisted smile crossed his face. “No Revan, it is your time, the Jedi’s time, which will come to an end. Such is the fate of any who oppose us.”


A lightsaber jumped to his hand the blade glowed a deadly blood red. He charged Revan brought her blade up to meet him, and their deadly dance began. She called on the Force to sustain her aching, exhausted body and begged it to see her through.




The Ebon Hawk flashed out of hyperspace and Atton banked the ship toward Coruscant. He hoped this little trip was going to be worth it. He was still uneasy about the thought of being in the Jedi Temple even though he had confessed all his sins against the Jedi to Gavin over a year ago. The appearance of Bastila Shan interrupted his self doubt


“Atton, it might be best to let Carth take the controls. He is familiar with Coruscant and can guide us to the Jedi Temple.”


Atton shrugged “She’s all yours Admiral.”


Carth nodded and took control of the Hawk from the co-pilot’s chair. As he lined the ship up on an approach vector the comm. system crackled to life.


“Ebon Hawk, this is Admiral Cede of the Republic Cruiser Sojourn. Heave to and hold your position. You will be taken under escort to the Presidential Palace shortly.”


Carth glanced back at Atton and Bastila as he slowed the Ebon Hawk’s forward movement.


“I’ll handle this.”


He flipped the mic on, and answered “Admiral Cede this is Carth Onasi on board the Ebon Hawk.”


“Carth?! What are you doing aboard that ship? We were told that was Revan’s ship, and have orders to detain it.”


“Revan’s not aboard Amon. I ran into some friends on a personal trip to Dantooine who had come into possession of the ship and we’re headed for the Jedi Temple.”


“I don’t know Carth; my orders come from the chancellor herself.”


“Tell ya what, I promise that I’ll talk to Chancellor Organa and get you off the hook. My friends have been through a lot and we just want to put down at the Temple and get some rest.”


There was a pause in the conversation while Cede considered Carth’s proposal.


“If it were anyone but you Carth I’d hesitate. Just remember, you owe me.”


“That I do, thank you Amon. Onasi out.”


Carth turned back to the two observers with a smile “That’s that.”


“It’s good to be an Admiral,” Atton quipped


“We’re just lucky it was Cede and not someone less cooperative.”


Carth fired the Ebon Hawk’s engines and deftly piloted the ship through the clogged space lanes of Coruscant. Skillfully he set the ship down in the temple hangar and cut her engines.


“Time to face the music,” Atton said.


“Indeed,” Bastila replied “I will gather the others.”


In the hangar Juhani paced back and forth like a maalraas in a cage. When she’d heard the Ebon Hawk was on approach she had nearly sprinted to the hangar. Was Revan aboard? Had Bastila, Carth, and Jolee succeeded in bringing her back? More important she finally had some help back in dealing with the crisis mode that the chancellor had shifted into. The loading ramp lowered and Bastila was the first to emerge from the ship.


“It’s about time!” Juhani blurted out “The chancellor keeps asking for you, the entire galaxy is falling apart-


“Juhani, calm down” Bastila interrupted her.


Juhani stopped and looked at her, Bastila was right. She needed to compose herself. She took a deep breath and felt the Force surround her.


“Thank you,” Bastila said “Now what’s wrong?”


“What isn’t wrong,” the Cathar replied “The President of Axum has been shot, there are bombs going off on Manaan, and Corellia is in political upheaval.”


Bastila figured the look on her face was must have been one of astonishment as she replied “All of that since we’ve been gone?”


“Yes,” Juhani replied “The chancellor also asked me to send Jedi to Corellia to help her gain information.”


“I see, who did you send?”


“Aeris and Dustil.”


“What about Dustil?” the new voice was Carth’s coming from the entryway of the ship as he led the rest of the Hawk’s passengers into the bay.


“I’ll tell you later,” Bastila replied “Juhani will you lead the way to the Council Chamber? Carth, Jolee, and I have brought friends with us.”


“So I see,” Juhani replied looking over Bastila’s shoulder. There were three women Juhani had never seen before and one that she’d thought she’d never see again.


Bastila turned to the group


“We’ll do introductions later, I suggest we all go to the Council Chamber so that Juhani can brief everyone on what has been happening.”


No objection came from anyone despite the fact that they were all tired. For Atris, as she followed the group through corridors that she knew all too well she noticed that the temple was in remarkable condition. Revan’s friends must have drawn heavily on the Force to make these repairs in such a short time.


As much as the good condition of this hallowed Jedi site pleased her she wasn’t sure that being in the place did. She thought back to the day the Council has chosen to abandon Coruscant in a desperate attempt to draw out a hidden enemy. She thought about her actions since then and knew they did not deem her worth to walk these halls again. What would they think of her now? Would the ghosts of all those Jedi forgive her? She didn’t know, and part of her wanted to leave again, but Gavin’s words stopped her “Help them rebuild what you once held above all else,” and she knew that facing her demons was something she would have to do.


The group gathered in the Council Chamber which Atris noted has been fully restored, and looked exactly as it had the day she and the other masters had departed. Once everyone was gathered Bastila began to speak


“Juhani, this is Atton Rand, Brianna Kae, Visas Marr, and you know Atris. Juhani has been handling things here, and from what she has told me the Republic is has suffered greatly in the last few weeks..Juhani?”


“It started with the shooting of President Rix on Axum. All transmissions from the planet have stopped, and no one knows what is going on. Chancellor Organa is sending a squadron of ships to the planet to assess the situation. There has also been political unrest on Corellia. A group of dissidents have been demonstrating against the Republic and the Corellian monarchy, I sent two Jedi to investigate at the chancellor’s request but have not heard from them, and found out only recently that the dissidents have attacked Corellia’s royal palace. Finally, just days ago several explosives were detonated on Manaan, they destroyed the courthouse, and much of the main Kolto processing plant.”


It took several seconds for the news that Juhani was delivering to sink in, and it was Carth who found his voice first.


“Is there any connection between the attacks?”


Juhani shook her head “No blatant connections no.”


“There’s a connection alright,” Jolee said “We just don’t know what it is.”


“What makes you so sure?” Atton asked


“Think about it, what are the odds that acts that are blatantly meant to cause chaos on three key Republic worlds aren’t related?”


“The old man is right,” Mira said “These things can’t be anything but related. The question is how.”


“Thank you Jedi obvious,” Jolee retorted “Youth is so wasted on the young.”


“I think,” Atris said “that we should all get some rest, and then we can find out how we can best assist the Republic by speaking with the Chancellor.”


Carth shook his head “With all due respect, I’m going to speak with Chancellor Organa immediately. From what Admiral Dodonna said in her message I’m number one on her hit parade.”


“I think that I had better accompany you Carth,” Bastila said “Juhani told me that she has been requesting my presence as well. After Carth and I have our meeting I will return here and brief everyone else on where we stand.”


“Well, it looks like you young people have things under control,” Jolee said “this old man is going to bed.”


Jolee turned and left the chamber, and Atris commented “I think he has the right idea.”


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Hmmm...you do have a point Kas'!m although from the research I've found conflicting sources to exactly how old she is. There were places I looked that put her as having been born in 4000BBY which would make her somewhere around 50 and there were other places I found that had her born several years later. What do you think would be the best source to stick with?

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