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A Threat From Within

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Sorry about the delay. It's not exactly easy to comment under... extraordinary circumstance, but here is some feedback.


Your 'Sith plan' or so to call it was great. That was original and something that really goes against what Star Wars usually becomes. I just wanted to make it known that I found that to be an impressive story plot that makes tons of sense after it was all put in place.


Great Carth/Bastila conflict discussion you wrote. I like how you are preparing these people for battle and how they deal with something as small as a personal dispute is a nice touch to that. I agree with HOP from a while back on how you mesh old characters very well with one another. They are not exactly how they were before, but I see each one exhibit their old personality by the way they speak.


Great fic you have manifesting itself into a much more appropriate KOTOR III than that TOR ***** will ever be!

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Chapter 32



The heels of Revan's boots echoed through the corridors of the Jedi Temple as she made her way toward the main hangar. Revan had thought long and hard about which ship they would use for their travel to Axum. In the end she had decided that it would be the Ebon Hawk. The ship had gotten her and Gaven through thick and thin and she was trusting in the old girl to get them through the fire one more time. She had ordered the technicians at the temple to change the ship's ID signature so that they wouldn't announce their presence like a beacon when they came out of hyperspace. Then again, if this Sith was half as powerful as she believed he was it wouldn't matter, he would sense their presence anyway. She stopped in mid step, they needed something more, something that would mask them from the Sith's detection...she knew exactly who she needed to talk to. She stepped into one of the classrooms that was in the hall and called out:




When no response came, she called out again “Kreia, I know you are there, and I know you can hear me.”


“You speak truth Revan, I am here, and I can hear you.”


The apparition of her former master shimmered into view a few feet from her toward the front of the classroom.


“I thought that you wished me gone Revan, that you had no need of me any longer, were those not your words?”


“I know what I said,” Revan replied “but you knew different didn't you?”


“Of course I knew Revan, as I have always known. You need one final lesson from your Master.”


“In life you had the ability to mask your presence in the Force,” Revan began “I need to know not only how to mask my own presence, but how to mask the presence of the other Jedi around me.”


“That is a tall order indeed my apprentice.”


“If you cannot teach me what I wish to know, then tell me now and don't waste my time.”


“Is that anger I detect in your voice Revan?” Kreia said mockingly “You never did have much patience. Perhaps it is not me that you should be looking to for this lesson. There is one among the living who possesses such knowledge.”


“Here, at the temple? Who?”


“The one who hid herself from an entire galaxy for almost a decade.”




“Now you know where to find what you seek.”


With that final word she was gone, and Revan had succeeded in gaining the information she needed. She left the classroom on a course for the infirmary where she knew Master Sunrider was still laid up and as far as Revan knew still in a healing trance. It didn't take her long to get there, and as she entered she was greeted by Doctor Geera.


“Well, you look much better than the last time you were in here.”


“I feel much better as well,” she replied “How is Master Sunrider doing?”


“Hasn't moved since I brought her in.”


“Could you wake her?”


“I could try, but I'm sure you know much more about Jedi trances than I do. Would waking her have any side effects?”


“I'm not sure I know,” Revan said “Let me try to contact her...through the Force.”


“Sure, whatever, I don't understand that stuff anyway.”


Revan smirked a little as she brushed past the doctor and over to the bed where Nomi Sunrider was laying still deep in whatever trance she had entered. Revan stood directly beside the bed, laid her hand on Nomi's head and closed her eyes. She stretched out with the Force, and called out to Nomi with her thoughts.

“Master, are you there? I have need of your instruction.”


“Revan? How is it that you are here? What happened on Corellia?”


“Master, I need you to come out of your trance. I need to speak with you.”


“I..I will try.”


Revan withdrew from the brief meditation and opened her eyes. She watched Vima and waited for something to happen. After several minutes Revan believed she had failed, but suddenly Vima's eyes began to flutter and finally popped open. The Jedi Master glanced at her surroundings and then finally her green eyes locked on Revan.


“So it was you, I thought I was dreaming.” she said softly


“No Master, you weren't dreaming, it is me.”


“Where am I?”


“The infirmary at the Jedi Temple.”




“Bastila brought you back after you were injured on Corellia.”


“Did we win?”


Revan smiled “Yes, you did. Bastila and the others defeated the Sith, but the battle isn't over yet. There is another Sith, and his fleet is striking targets within the Republic. I am leading a mission to defeat him but I need your help.”


“What help could I possibly be?”


“For almost ten years you masked your presence in the Force while you were on Yavin Four. I need to know how you did it, and how I can use it to mask the strike team's presence when we arrive at Axum.”


Vima pushed herself slowly, and gently into a sitting position.


“It is an ancient technique that you seek Revan, and one that took me years to master and use as I did.”


“I don't have years Master.”


“I understand..close your eyes, and I will try to explain it as best as I can.”


Revan did as she was instructed, and waited for Vima's instruction.


“Think of your presence in the Force as something that ripples out from you in all directions as if you had jumped into a lake. The smaller the object that lands in the water, the less of a ripple it will make, and so you must project a smaller version of yourself through the Force. The smaller you are able to make yourself appear the less you will be noticed by other Force sensitives. The same applies if you are attempting to mask the presence of the Jedi around you. You must cloud the currents of the Force to make the entire group seem as if they are not there. Do you understand?”


“Yes,” Revan responded


“Good, now, I am sitting right next to you. I should be able to easily detect you in the Force, try to make it so that I cannot do so.”


Revan steadied herself and tried harness the idea that she was a fly on the wall..something so insignificant that not even a Jedi would be able to see her. Then she tried to project that image outward from her. After a few seconds Vima spoke


“Very good Revan, I can sense you, but only faintly. Now, if you are to mask your friends from this Sith you will need to concentrate, and be uninterrupted until you are ready to drop the mask.”


Revan opened her eyes and focused again on the Jedi Master “Thank you Master Sunrider.”


“You are welcome, and may the Force be with you.”


“Alright,” Doctor Geera said “If you're done with your little lesson I'd like to examine my patient.”


“By all means Doctor.” Revan replied. She turned on her heel and walked out of the infirmary.




Revan made her way to the hangar bay where she found Gaven, Juhani, and Brianna already waiting for her. They all looked up as she entered, and Gaven greeted her:


“It's about time.”


“I'm sorry, there was something that I had to take care of.”


“Isn't there always?” he replied


Revan flashed a brief smile at him “Are we ready?”


“Yup, the Ebon Hawk's ID signature has been changed, and we're ready to go. Who's gonna fly this thing by the way?”


“I was thinking you might”


“Me? I think we should bring a pilot along.”


“Have somebody in mind?”


“Yes actually, Atton.”


Revan shrugged “Fine by me.”


“Good, he's already aboard.”


Revan smiled again “Well I guess it's time to go then.”


Gaven nodded and Revan followed him up the Ebon Hawk's loading ramp trailed by Juhani and Brianna. Once they were aboard Revan headed for the cockpit where she found Atton doing his preflight checks.


“You know where we're going?”


“I haven't forgotten in the last two hours if that's what you mean?”


“Good, how's the ship?”


“The technicians here are really good,” Atton said for an answer “and it was kind of you to unlock the navicomputer.”


“No point keeping it locked now.”


“Good point. So what do you want me to do while you guys are off trying to get yourselves killed?”


“Keep the engines warm,” Revan replied “and try to look inconspicuous.”


“Right, well, if you'll take your seat we'll get this little pleasure cruise underway.”


Gaven entered the cockpit and strapped himself into the co-pilot's chair while Revan sat in the third seat. Atton started flipping switches and the Ebon Hawk's thrusters came to life. He guided the ship out of the hangar bay and fired the main drive shooting the ship skyward with Coruscant's orange setting sun in the background. The Hawk entered orbit and the busy Coruscant spacelanes. Once Atton was clear of those he plotted their course into the ship's newly unlocked navicomputer and fired the hyperdrive. The Ebon Hawk didn't shudder at all, for once, as she shot into hyperspace on a collision course with battle.


“How long to Axum?” Revan asked


“About eight hours,” Atton replied absently.


“When we arrive, I am going to attempt to hide our presence from the Sith. If they are able to sense us in the Force things will get decidedly harder for us.”


“Ya think?” Atton replied


Revan disregarded his comment and continued “Once we enter orbit, I will drop my mask and we will use the Force to zero in on the Sith. Atton you will have to bring us in hot, and drop us as close as possible to the location.”


“I got it.”


“Good, now I am going to get some rest. Gaven, can you explain everything to Juhani and Brianna?”


“No problem.”


“Do it, and then I recommend you get some rest as well.”


Gaven nodded and Revan unstrapped herself and walked back toward the port side dormitory. After she was out of earshot Atton turned to Gaven.


“She's just like I remember her,”


“How's that?”


“Confident, unwavering, and has all the answers.”


“I wouldn't have her any other way.”

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Very 'Kriea' Force-masking metaphor you made. I couldn't help but applaud at how well you wrote for that character. I also have to compliment you about the navicomputer in this kind of situation. I remember now that T3 was piloting the ship because the navicomputer was locked out, but wouldn't have included it in my fiction if you hadn't brought it up here. That was a significant little tidbit of TSL that I marvel at how well you included it.


Tensions are high right now...

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Thank you for the compliments :) I basically felt that it wouldn't make sense for the T3 to keep piloting the ship with Revan around, especially since my mysterious sith had given her access to her memory.


As far as Kreia...I wanted to include her in the story somehow, and I felt this was perhaps the best way to do it as she served a general purpose and provided some assistance to the group if not directly.

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Chapter 33


Forn Dodonna strode back into Primeminister Karin Organa's office for the second time in eight hours after the primeminister's aide had summoned her. Organa was standing behind her desk gazing out at Coruscant, she didn't turn around as Dodonna entered.


“Any sign of the enemy fleet Admiral?”


“No Ma'am, Carth tells me he's seen nothing.”


“Are you sure we did the right thing, can we trust her?”


“Ma'am, I am positive. I put my life in Revan's hands once before, I would gladly do it again.”

Organa finally turned to face the admiral.


“What do you mean?”


“I was a commander on Revan's flagship when we liberated Telos Ma'am. I've seen her in battle, and there is no one I would rather have on my side in a fight.”


“You will let me know when the battle begins?”


“Yes Ma'am.”


Organa nodded “Thank you Forn, I won't summon you again.”


“Ma'am, you can call me anytime you want.”




Aboard the Telos Carth strode onto the bridge after taking a restless few hours of sleep.


“Admiral on the bridge,” one of the junior officers announced.


“As you were,” Carth responded briskly as he took his seat in the ship's command chair. “Report.”


“No sign of enemy activity Sir,” the tactical officer reported.


Carth acknowledged the report with a curt nod, and stroked the grizzled beard that had grown on his face the last couple of days. Could Revan have been wrong? Was the mysterious fleet out attacking some other target? Carth didn't know, but he did trust Revan, hell he loved her.


“Admiral, ships coming out of hyperspace Sir!”


Carth stood up “How many Lieutenant?”


“At least thirty Sir!”


“Can they see us?”


“They've given no indication they've seen us Admiral.”


“Send the encrypted signal to Admiral Cede.”


“Aye Sir.”


Carth activated the commlink on his command chair “Onasi to Shan.”


“I'm here Carth,”


“It's time.”


“Understood, Shan out.”




Admiral Perth gazed out at Coruscant from the Decimator. It had been several years since he'd been here last, but he never imagined that he would be returning in an attempt to conquer the Republic.




“All ships arrived safely and report ready Sir,”




“The planet has gone to alert status Sir. The planetary shield is up, and her defense platforms are active.”


“Enemy ships?”


“Seven Republic ships Sir, Hammerhead Class, approaching rapidly.”


“Order the fleet to attack formation and open a channel to the Republic ships.”


“Channel open Sir.”


“Republic ships, this is Admiral Perth of Axum Navy. Stand down immediately, you are outnumbered and out gunned, you need not lose your lives today.”


After a few seconds a response filtered through the bridge speakers.


“Admiral Perth, this is Admiral Cede of the Republic Navy, we may be outnumbered but we will defend our home with our lives.”


The Republic ships wasted no time in opening fire on the invaders. The smile that crossed Admiral Perth's face was a twisted one, but he was impressed by the Republic's will to fight. Impressed or not, he gave the only order he was going to give.


“Destroy them.”




“The battle has started Admiral.”


Carth acknowledged the tactical officer's report with a nod. In a few minutes he would give the order to his fleet to jump to Coruscant, but he had to be sure that the enemy was completely committed to battling Admiral Cede's fleet.


“What's Cede's status?”


“Of his seven ships three have suffered severe damage Sir, and the shields on the other four are severely weakened.”


“Okay, time for the cavalry to arrive, order all ships to jump now.”


Seconds after Carth gave the order, his fleet emerged from the shadow of Coruscant's fourth moon and executed a carefully calculated hyperspace jump that placed them very near the flank of the attacking fleet from Axum.


“Open a channel to the fleet.” Carth ordered


“Open Sir.”


“All ships, this is Admiral Onasi, execute attack plan and fire at will.”


Inside Carth's office Bastila sat cross-legged on the floor deep in meditation. She immersed herself in the Force and saw the ships in space like pawns on a chess board. She reached out to the Republic forces conveying inspiration, images of home, family, and feelings of inevitable victory under a legendary admiral. Next, she turned her attention to the attacking fleet from Axum. She projected confusion, disarray, and lack of faith in their commanders. She then focused on deeper emotions of impending doom, and inevitable defeat. Turning back to the Republic fleet she focused on the tactical side of the battle and began to subtley direct the attacks of the Republic guns.




Aboard the Decimator Admiral Perth couldn't understand what was happening. First a Republic fleet had appeared out of nowhere and now his men seemed unable to execute the simplest commands. Coordination between his ships was nearly nonexistent, and he suddenly felt a cold presence hanging over everything.


“Status report!”


“A total of twenty two Republic ships Sir, they're maneuvering themselves to split our fleet in two!”


“Where they hell did they come from?”


“I don't know Sir, they just flashed out of hyperspace.”


“That is impossible Lieutenant.”


“I-I'm sorry Sir, I just don't know!”


This didn't make any sense, Perth thought. Ships do not simply appear out of nowhere, either the Republic was cleverer than he thought or they knew he was coming and set a trap for him. It didn't really matter much, Perth suddenly had a feeling that this battle was going to end very badly for him.


“Admiral, more ships coming in Sir!”


“Identify them!”


“Sir, they're...Mandalorian.”




“Report,” Carth ordered


“A hole has opened in the enemy lines Sir!”


“Order all ships into that gap, focus fire on the capital ships!”


“Admiral, new contacts, bearing zero-five-zero.”


“Are they ours?”


“No Sir...they're...by the Force...they're Mandalorian Sir! Five ships, Armageddon Class, they're hailing us Sir.”


“Open a channel.”


“Republic commander this is Kex of the Clan Ordo, are we too late for the party.”


“Kex this is Carth Onasi, how in the world did you get here?”


“Mandalore sent us with orders to assist in any way we could.”


“Canderous...you wiley son of a...” Carth trailed off as a smile crossed his face “Well we're wasting time chatting Kex, you can see the situation, act as you see fit.”


“Understood, Kex out.”


Carth had no idea how Canderous knew anything about what was going on, or even where Canderous was. His only thought was that somehow Revan must have contacted him at some point, god he loved that woman.

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Chapter 34



Gaven found Revan resting in the port dormitory of the Ebon Hawk. He studied her for a moment before reaching down and gently shaking her shoulder. She rolled from her side to her back and looked up at him.


“We're approaching Axum, Atton is getting ready to take us out of hyperspace on the outskirts of the system.”


Revan sat up and placed her feet on the deck.


“Okay, I'm staying back here. I'm going to try and mask out presence in the Force from the Sith. If I fail..we'll know it.”


“I think you should come up to the cockpit first, I imagine the Sith will busier than you might think.”


Revan shrugged “Alright, lead the way.”


She stood up and followed Gaven through the ship wondering what he could possibly be talking about. They were one ship coming into the system with a handful of Jedi aboard. They were going to draw attention to themselves like a gizka in a kath hound pen. They entered the cockpit and Gaven took the Hawk's co-pilot seat again and Revan stood behind the third seat electing not to sit down.


“Approaching Axum System,” Atton said “coming out of hyperspace.”


The Ebon Hawk slowed and the streaks of hyperspace were replaced by the star scape of the Axum system.


“Atton, check our scanners, any other ships out there?” Gaven asked


“No, I don't...wait, I'm picking up four ships, Mandalorian, Armageddon Class cruisers at our three o'clock. They're hailing us.”


Madalorian ships? Here? Revan thought to herself, how in the world was that possible?


“What's going on?” Revan asked Gaven


“I'd like to know that myself,” Atton quipped


“Just talk to them.” Gaven insisted


“Alright, Atton, put them through.”


“You got it.”


“Ebon Hawk, this is Mandalore aboard the cruiser Firestorm, we stand ready to assist you.”


There was something familiar about that voice Revan thought. It had been years since she'd heard it, but she knew who it belonged to.


“Canderous?” Revan asked aloud.


“Revan? Is that really you?”


“It's me, I'm leading this little suicide mission.”


“The Exile told me you were back, but that you were in some coma or something.”


“I was, but I woke up yesterday, and now we have to stop this Sith.”


“Same stuff, different year eh Revan?”


Revan smiled “Yes old friend it is. What kind of fire power do you have?”


“Four fully operational cruisers and two operational Basilisk war droids.”


“Where did you find that stuff?”


“After we helped your friend bring down Darth Nihlus I led my men back to the Mando'a core worlds. We found the ships in drydocks and the war droids in storage inside a military base. It took us about six months to bring all the ships online, and bring the droids back up to specs but they work now.”


“Where did you find your crews?”


“I wish I could say they were all true Mandalorians, but the fact is there aren't that many of us left. So, I brought in anyone with Mandalorian blood, and the best of the best joined us.”


“That's quite a story my friend, but what I need from you now is a distraction. There is a very powerful Sith lord on Axum, and if he's busy with you he won't pay any attention to us.”


“You'll have your distraction Revan, there is no one I would rather fight for than you.”


“Thank you, and I'll see you when this is over.”


“Give us twenty minutes and then follow us in, Mandalore out.”


Revan turned to Gaven who was smiling at her. “You're just full of surprises aren't you?”


“I try,” Gaven replied “So you think that will give us a clear path?”


“I don't know about clear, but it will make it a lot easier. I'm going back to the port dorm. I'm still going to try to mask our presences even with the distraction. Let me know when we're in the atmosphere.”


“You got it.”


Revan turned on her hell and walked briskly back to the dormitory. She seated herself cross-legged on one of the bunks and fell into a deep meditation.




On Axum, in the office of the president, General Cirrus smiled to himself. His men were in complete control of the planet, and the last he had heard from Admiral Perth, the fleet was beginning its assault of Coruscant. Soon, he would not only be the ruler of Axum, but of the entire galaxy as well. He would accomplish what that fool Malak could not. He, Cirrus, would bring darkness to the galaxy and grasp it by the throat, the Republic would vanish forever, and the Sith Empire would take its place. As he stared out at his planet, Colonel Cartar, one of his aides burst through the office door.


“General, we have a serious problem.”


“I fail to see what could be so serious that you would forget the meaning of do not disturb me.”


“Sir, we're under attack!”




“Four ships Sir, they're attacking the orbital shipyards!”


“Where did they come from? Republic?”


“No Sir, Captain Balor says they're Mandalorian!”


“Mandalorian? The Republic must be behind this, have we heard from Admiral Perth since his last report?”


“No Sir.”


“Something is not right Colonel, we're going to the defense center, now.”


The general stalked toward the door of the office with Colonel Cartar fast on his heels. He didn't know what in the name of the Sith was going on, but he was going to find out. It took them mere minutes to take a speeder to the defense center and Cirrus stalked past the guards not bothering to return their salutes. He walked all the way into the operations center where General Alavi was pacing nervously.


“What is going on up there General?”


“I'm not sure Sir. These Mandalorian ships appeared virtually out of nowhere, and launched an attack against our orbital shipyards.”


“What type of ships?”


“The computer lists them as Armageddon Class cruisers, four of them.”


“Those cruisers were among some of the most powerful ships the Mandalorians had during their war against the Republic, any sign of Republic ships?”


“No Sir, none yet.”


“Something isn't right here General, what are we doing to counter the Mandalorians?”


“We have several ships that were on patrol breaking off their routes to engage them. All of our other ships are with Admiral Perth Sir.”


“Speaking of the Admiral, have you heard from him?”


“No Sir, not since his last report.”


“Raise him, now!”


“Yes Sir.”




Aboard the Ebon Hawk Revan was deep in meditation. She focused as Vima taught her, projecting the smallest presence she could muster, but this time extending it to the entire group of Jedi. In the cockpit Gaven looked at the Ebon Hawk's chronometer and turned to Atton.


“Take us in.”


“Alright, here we go.”


Atton shoved the Hawk's throttle to full and the ship shot forward driving into the Axum system on a beeline for the planet itself.




In the space above Coruscant the battle raged on. The arrival of the Mandalorians put the defenders on equal footing with the invaders. Admiral Perth failed to understand how any of this could have happened. He watched in disbelief as his fleet was being cut to pieces by the Republic fleet. Standing behind him Captain Landis, the Decimator's commander, failed to understand why they were still fighting. If they didn't get out soon, they would all die at the hands of the Republic and the Mandalorians. He decided it was time to approach the admiral.




“What is it Captain?”


“Sir, perhaps we should surrender, or at the very least retreat.”


“No!,” Perth practically shouted “We will do no such thing Captain.”


“Sir, we're losing ships and men!”


“They know why they are dying.”


“Sir, we cannot win!”


“We must!”


Captain Landis could tell that there would be no reasoning with the Admiral and felt that it was up to him to save the lives of the men under his command. He pulled his sidearm from its holster, pointed it at the admiral's back and fired. The admiral crumpled to the deck of the ship and the captain holstered his weapon and looked around.


“The admiral has been killed in battle, I am taking command, are there any questions?”




“Status report!” Carth ordered


“The battle is going well Sir, the Madalorians have helped us cut off one half of the enemy fleet from the other Sir. Many of the enemy's ships are seriously damaged, and we've destroyed at least seven completely.”


“Open a channel to the enemy fleet.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Enemy commander, this is Admiral Carth Onasi of the Republic Navy. Stand down and surrender immediately, if you continue to fight you will be destroyed ship by ship.”


Carth waited for a long minute before the communications officer finally spoke


“Response incoming Sir.”


“Admiral Onasi, this is Captain Landis of the Axum Navy, my superior has died in the battle leaving me in command. I will order my ships to stand down, we surrender.”


“Captain, I will take a shuttle to your ship and accept your surrender.”


“Understood Admiral, Landis out.”


“Put me through to the Mandalorians,” Carth ordered


“Go ahead Sir.” the comm officer replied after a second


“Kex, this is Admiral Onasi, the enemy fleet has surrendered.”


“Cowards,” Kex responded “Very well, we will stand down, Kex out.”


Carth left the bridge and headed for his office. When he arrived the guards saluted, and stepped aside for him to enter. As he walked in Bastila looked up from her seated position on the floor.


“It's over?” she asked


“Yes, we won, thanks to you.”


“Not just me,” Bastila said “You as well,”


Carth nodded “Come with me to accept their surrender.”


“Of course.”


They left the office together and Carth spoke to the two guards as he left “You two, with us.” The guards followed immediately, and the group took the lift down to the Telos hangar deck. They entered one of the shuttles docked there and Carth took the helm with Bastila in the co-pilot's seat. The ride to the Axum fleet's lead ship was short and silent as Bastila was nearly exhausted from using her battle meditation, and Carth was flying the shuttle. He noted that many of the Axum ships were smoking and heavily damaged. Carth also took the opportunity to assess the damage of his own fleet which was considerable as well. He knew they'd lost at least three ships with several more that would require extensive repairs.


Carth docked the shuttle with the lead enemy ship and shutdown the engines. He lowered the ramp and along with Bastila, and the two guards he descended into the ship's hangar bay. Waiting for him were four men two of whom looked to be officers while the other two were common soldiers and were carrying blaster rifles. One of the officer, who Carth guessed was Captain Landis stepped forward.


“Admiral Onasi?”


Carth nodded “Captain Landis I presume.”


The captain saluted and Carth returned the gesture.


“My first officer Commander Lan.”


Carth acknowledged the commander with a nod and gestured to Bastila “My second in command, Jedi Knight Bastila Shan.”


“Jedi? I had thought they were extinct.”


“A common misconception Captain,” Bastila said “The Jedi stand with the Republic.”


“Tell me Admiral, how did you plan such an elaborate trap for us?” Landis asked


“Frankly Captain...we got lucky. When we received the reports of the attack on Caamas one of our top generals combined them with reports from the recon mission we sent to Axum a week ago and drew the conclusion that the two fleets were one in the same.”


“I see...well...I suppose knowing changes nothing. Admiral Onasi as commander of the Axum Fleet I offer you my formal surrender, I ask only that my injured be given medical treatment and that my men eventually be permitted to return to their families.”


“We will provide medical treatment to your men Captain. As far as letting them go home...once the situation on Axum is resolved your men will be permitted to return to their homes. Your ships will remain in the possession of the Galactic Republic.”


“I expected as much Admiral, what would you have us do now?”


“Wait Captain, I will assign security teams to secure each of your remaining ships. They will escort the medics aboard, and treat any wounded.”


“I understand, I will inform my fleet.”


The captain saluted again, and Carth stuck out his right hand which Landis accepted.


“I'll contact you when we're ready to begin sending our people over Captain.”


“I'll wait for your call Admiral.”


Carth turned, and with Bastila and the guards in tow made his back aboard the shuttle. As they cleared the hangar bay of the ship he spoke to Bastila.


“Could we involve the remaining Jedi in the seizure of the ships?”


“I'm sure we could. They will probably be glad of something to do instead of waiting to hear from Revan.”


“I certainly know how that feels.”



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Chapter 35


The Ebon Hawk weaved through the space battle above Axum dodging laser blasts as Atton pushed it toward the atmosphere of the planet. Atton wasn't even bothering to fire the Hawk's weapons, he was just concerned about getting the ship past the battle lines in one piece. In the port dormitory Revan was maintaining the illusion she had been projecting since they started their approach.


“Okay,” Atton said to Gaven “We're through the line, and I'm taking us in.”


Gaven nodded and rose from his seat. He went back to the dormitory and spoke to Revan.


“We're coming in to the planet's atmosphere.”


Revan sat motionless for a moment and then opened her eyes.


“Okay, let's go.”


Gaven followed Revan back to the cockpit where the buildings of Axum's capital city were coming into view.


“Do they know we're here yet?” Revan asked Atton


“Why don't you ask the five fighters that are coming up on our six.” Atton replied


“Right, can you keep them off us?”


“I can try, this ship is still one of the fastest hunks of junk in the galaxy.”


Revan closed her eyes and stretched out with the Force. With her Force mask down it was likely that the Sith knew they were coming. Now she would use the Force to try and pinpoint his location.




In the operations center of Axum's defense headquarters General Cirrus was in an increasingly foul mood.


“Any response from Admiral Perth?”


“No Sir,” General Alavi replied “None of our attempts to reach him have succeeded.”


“General,” said a young lieutenant “There's a single ship entering the atmosphere. It's a Corellian freighter, listed as the Profitable Venture. They haven't requested landing clearance and...”


“Jedi,” Cirrus said aloud cutting the young man off


“Sir?” Alavi questioned


“There are Jedi aboard that ship. Sound the alert General Alavi and lock down this facility, no one in our out without my say so.”


“Sir, how could you possibly know..”


“Do not question my orders!” Cirrus roared “do it now!”


“Y-yes Sir,” Alavi stammered


Alavi picked up the center's intercom and spoke into it.


“All stations alert, we are under attack. Initiate facility lock down, and enact facility defense plan. This is not a drill.”


“Thank you General Alavi, now what is the status of the battle in orbit?”


“Sir our ships are no match for the Mandalorians, we've lost two destroyers and three fighter squadrons. They have Basilisk war droids Sir.”


Cirrus slammed his fist on the nearest panel. How had it come to this? His plan had been so perfect, but even as he asked the question he knew that the Jedi aboard that ship had to be the answer. It was no matter, he would deal with these Jedi, and the whole galaxy would feel his wrath.




“Profitable Venture, this is Captain Van of the Axum Defense Force, you are ordered to fall in to formation and be escorted to a docking bay.”


“Not in this life,” Atton muttered and he shoved the Ebon Hawk's throttle to full and the ship blasted away from the fighter formation. To their credit, the fighters didn't bother addressing the Hawk again, they simply opened fire. Their laser blasts peppered the Hawk's shields as Atton pulled off maneuvers he hadn't tried since the War.


“Atton,” Revan said sitting down in the second seat. “Take us to these coordinates, and when we get close lower the loading ramp.”


“You got it.”


The Ebon Hawk screamed through the sky above Axum with the fighters in hot pursuit. Revan gathered the other Jedi near the loading ramp.


“We'll be coming in hot and making a free fall to land as close to the facility as we can. I don't know what kind of defenses they have, but I need you all to trust me. We can do this, and we will leave here victorious.”


There was no response from her allies, but as Revan made eye contact with each of them she knew that they were behind her. Only Brianna finally offered a response.


“You killed my father, one of the greatest warriors that the Echani have ever known. If there is anyone who can lead us through this battle, I believe it is you.”


“I am sorry about your father, Yusanis was an incredible man.”


“You have nothing to apologize for Revan,” Brianna replied “The two of you did battle that could only end in defeat for one of you, in the end you were superior.”


Revan nodded “That means a lot to me.”


“We're coming up on the coordinates,” Atton's voice said over Revan's comlink.


“The fighters?” Revan asked


“Still behind us,”


“Lower the ramp, once we're clear pull up and run for the atmosphere where Canderous can protect you.”




Revan walked to the front of the group as the Ebon Hawk's loading ramp came down. When the ramp was fully extended, Revan stepped forward and began sliding down the ramp and as she went off the edge she pushed clear of the ship and began her free fall. She turned herself around to make sure the entire group was with her and she saw that they were. Down they fell, and as the ground came ever closer Revan called on the Force and began to slow her descent. The other Jedi did they same and they touched down without incident in front of the building where Revan could feel the dark side of the Force emanating from. Between the Jedi and the door were what looked to be one hundred armed soldiers. Revan turned to Gaven who had come up beside her


“Four of us, one hundred of them.” she said


“hardly seems fair,” Gaven replied


“Should we give them a chance to surrender?”


“I don't think they'd listen do you?”


“Probably not.”


Revan drew her lightsaber and ignited it. The orange blade of the Heart of the Guardian hummed to life and Revan took a fighting stance. She waited only a moment and launched herself toward the throng of soldiers. She landed in the middle of them and decapitated the nearest one before turning and impaling the man next to him. The other Jedi joined her quickly and soon chaos reigned among the ranks of the Axum troops. Random blaster shots fired at the Jedi felled their own men, and the four lightsabers including Brianna's whirling twin blades induced enough fear that it took only minutes for the Jedi to break the lines and reach the entrance to the building. Revan looked at the other Jedi with pride.


“Well done, time to go after our quarry,” She used the Force to release the lock on the door and allow them access to the building. “Brianna, Juhani, I want you to seal this door and guard it. Nobody in our out. Gaven and I will go on without you.”


“That is not acceptable,” Brianna replied


“That is the plan,” Revan stated “This Sith is powerful, and the two of you are not strong enough to face him, I will not needlessly endanger your lives.”


“Yet you will endanger yours?” Juhani asked


“Yes, with my memories returned to me Gaven and I will be a formidable team.”


“Let us help you,” Juhani said “Let me help you, in return for everything you've done for me.”


“Juhani,” Revan said softly “You have repaid me ten times over for any service I might have done for you. You stood with me, even after you found out who I really was and that means more to me than anything. I cannot, and I will not ask you to do this.”


“I want to stand with you Revan, if the two of you will be a match for the Sith then the four us will be more than he can handle.”


Revan closed her eyes, she did not want to endanger any more lives than were necessary on this mission. In the past she had sent Jedi and soldiers alike to die without so much as batting an eyelash, but she was a different person, and did want to see anyone else killed. At the same time however, she could not dismiss the argument her friend made.


“Very well, we will go, the four of us. We're wasting time talking, let's go.”




“The Jedi are in the building,” Cirrus said


“Yes Sir, proximity alarm at the main entrance. Our security teams are responding.” General Alavi said


“What about the battle in orbit?”


“The Mandalorians are descending into the atmosphere Sir. Our ships are defeated.”


“All of you get out,” Cirrus ordered calmly




“I said get out!” Cirrus shouted “I will face these Jedi alone.”


“But General, how could you possibly four Jedi?”


Cirrus produced a lightsaber and ignited it. The blade bathed the darkened operations center in a crimson glow and instantly struck fear into the men that were present. Only then when the Sith Lord revealed himself did General Alavi realize that he and the other generals had made a grave mistake supporting what they thought was change for the betterment of their people. He reached for the blaster on his hip, but he was not nearly as fast as Cirrus who struck with his lightsaber slicing through Alavi's arm. The general screamed out loud and the men nearest him grabbed their commander and dragged him toward the back of the operations center and out an auxiliary entrance. Cirrus extinguished the lightsaber and sat down on the deck of the operations center to wait.



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  • 4 months later...

Here is the climax of this story, I know it has been a long time, but I said I would finish this story and so I will. An epilouge will be forthcoming to tie it up, but here is the final battle.


Chapter 36


Revan's lightsaber twirled as it soared through the air and sliced through two security troopers before returning to her hand. Brianna and Juhani leapt into action quickly eliminating the rest of the security team and Revan and Gaven joined them.


“Wonder how many are left,” Gaven quipped


In answer to his question the building's intercom crackled to life “Attention all security forces...this is General Alavi. General Cirrus has gone mad with power, by my order no further attacks are to be made on the Jedi.”


“Well, that was convenient.” Gaven remarked


“It is interesting what can happen when one discovers the leader one has put their faith in is a Sith Lord bent on destruction.” Revan said


“I suppose you would know better than most,” Gaven said without thinking, but he quickly followed it up “Sorry, I didn't mean that.”


Revan shook her head “I deserve that, and probably much worse, but there isn't time now. Let's keep moving.”


The group charged onward and without having to deal with the security teams was able to make their way to the operations center of the base with little trouble. Revan used the Force to part the doors and the Jedi entered the room. Dim blue lighting bathed the operations center and was designed to better allow the operators to monitor their consoles. With the center devoid of any military personnel the lighting revealed the solitary figure kneeling on the floor near the large main view. Revan lit her lightsaber with her friends following suit adding extra light to the dim room. She used her hands to signal the other Jedi and they approached the man cautiously forming a semi-circle around him


“Lady Revan,” the man said “I had always hoped for a chance to stand in your presence one day,”


“By now you must know I'm here to stop you, not help you.” Revan replied


“Indeed, and that is unfortunate. It is our destiny to destroy the Republic, you could have been the greatest of us.”


“It may be your destiny, but not today.”


The blast of Force energy from the Sith caught all four Jedi completely off guard and knocked them backward. Juhani flipped backward over a console and landed hard on the deck with pain shooting through her back. Brianna fell backward and slid before crashing into a panel sending waves of pain through her right arm, and Revan and Gavin were knocked into each other before falling to the ground. Cirrus rose from his kneeling position and ignited his crimson blade.


“You have no control over my destiny Revan, and yours ends here.”


Cirrus set his sight on Gaven who was the nearest to him of the four Jedi. As Cirrus loomed over him Gaven frantically sought his lightsaber, but could not find it. So this is it he thought, everything I've been through and this is how it ends.


Revan shook off the hard landing and was on her feet before any of the others. She reignited her lightsaber and lept at Cirrus their lightsaber blades crossing just above Gaven who rolled clear of the two combatants. Cirrus regarded Revan's orange blade and smiled


“You wield the Heart of the Guardian. Perhaps Jedi are not as weak as I thought.”


“Come, let me show you just how strong I am.” Revan replied


Their dance began there with Revan going on the offensive. She swung her blade, right, high, and left, but the Sith blocked each strike and countered with a vicious overhand strike that met Revan's horizontal blade, and as she blocked Revan pushed out with the Force and it was Cirrus who tumbled this time before crashing into the consoles below the viewer. That exchange gave Gaven time to get to his feet and and retrieve his lightsaber. He joined Revan's as they confronted the Sith.


“You are powerful Revan,” the Cirrus said with a sneer “but this is our day, not yours!”


He charged Revan and while she felt the impact of his hatred infused blows she met his attack skillfully her own ability feeding off the energy from the Heart of the Guardian. She countered Cirrus, Gaven joined her, and they double-teamed him, but he was more than able to deflect their attacks moving with more speed than the swiftest eriaz or malraas. Brianna and Juhani could only watch as the their two masters sparred with Cirrus.


“Should we join the attack?” Juhani asked Brianna


“I-I do not know. Every part of my being, my training, and my instinct tells me to fight, but something else tells me this battle was not meant for us.”


The conflict in front of them continued to play out and while Cirrus was fast and strong the onslaught of the two Jedi was starting to tax him. Revan sensed that the Sith was beginning to weaken and she began attempting more aggressive tactics. She launched several powerful attacks that sent sparks radiating outward from the clashing lightsabers and with Revan distracting Cirrus Gaven landed a glancing blow to the Sith's thigh. The Sith growled in pain, and then his grimace turned to a smile before he lashed out with the Force again knocking the Jedi back, but not down. As they came back at him he called to the dark side and beckoned its energies to him and what appeared to be a force field appeared between himself and the Jedi.


“How in the name of the Force did he do that, and what is it?”


Revan stretched out with her senses and realized that the barrier in front of them was of pure Force energy, a manifestation of the dark side.


“It's a barrier of dark side energy..he is preparing something.”


Cirrus knelt down and closed his eyes. He called out through the Force again and began drawing dark side energy toward him. He absorbed it, and let it permeate his soul. If he could not achieve his goals then he would be remembered as the Sith that killed Revan, the great redeemed Jedi, one way or another he would make history this day.


“Great, so how do we get through it?”


“I don't know..”




Outside the defense building the sky began to grow dark, and rain began falling. The winds picked up, and lighting began to fill the skies punctuated by booming thunder. On board his flagship Canderous Ordo wasn't sure what he was seeing.


“What the hell is that?” he asked


“I don't know Madalore,” replied Jaggor his weapons officer


“I don't like it,” Canderous said “Get us the hell off this planet and back into orbit,” he ordered the helmsman.


“Yes Madalore, right away.”




On the Ebon Hawk Atton fought the ship for control as the winds bounced the freighter around like a child's toy.


“Can't take much more of this,” he mumbled to himself “time to leave this party.”


He opened up a communications channel “Ebon Hawk to Revan, do you read me?”


Only static greeted him, and that bothered him because it meant that he'd lost all contact with his friends. There wasn't much he could do though with this ridiculous sudden storm. A feeling of helplessness settled over him but he tried to shake it off as he turned the Ebon Hawk skyward and climbed towards space.




Revan studied the barrier in front of her as Brianna and Juhani joined her and Gaven. She'd never seen anything like this before. It was pure, focused dark side energy. She could hear the thunder crashing outside and knew what Cirrus was attempting to do. She'd only read of the ability to use the dark side of the Force to bring about destructive weather storms, but from what she remembered it was said to be mastered by only the most powerful dark side users.


“He is creating a Force Storm.” she said to her companions.


“A what?” Gaven asked


“A Force Storm. He is using the dark side to control the weather on the planet, and produce destructive storms. He means to kill us all, we must get through the barrier.”


“But we don't know how to get through the barrier.” Gaven responded.


“I will try to use the Heart to destroy it, but it will take me time.”


“We appear to be short on that,”


Revan closed her eyes, and let the Force flow through her and around her. Its currents surrounded her as she drew the light side energy to her. She began to channel the energy to the Heart of the Guardian using the crystal as a focal point for the Force. The orange blade of the lightsaber began to glow brighter with an intensity the lit the room.


Outside the storm began to reach its full fury as the wind howled throwing around speeders, uprooting trees and sending other objects crashing in to buildings. The rain pelted down almost sideways and lighting strikes started small fires around the defense center. The brand new structure was solid, but the destructive force of nature fueled by the dark side was starting to break windows, and the main door began to crumple under the storm's power. Swirling tornadoes began moving through Axum's capital city destroying anything in their path. The storms closed on the defense center and threatened to reduce the entire structure to rubble.


Inside, Gaven, Brianna and Juhani could hear the impending destruction outside and knew their time was short. Gaven watched Revan as she meditated on the Force and he could feel her beginning to grow stronger. He'd never seen so much power focused in one spot, light and dark about to collide. At the same time he was in awe he felt helpless to assist her.


Suddenly, Revan drew back her blade and brought a fierce overhead strike down on the barrier. The blade hummed through the air and collided with the dark side energy. The ensuing blast knocked all the Jedi back from where they'd been standing and brought conduits crashing down from the ceiling along with cables and wires that sparked as they were severed.


It was several seconds before Revan got to her feet, and she immediately sought out Cirrus. He was nearly in the same position he'd been in when she struck, but she also noticed the barrier was no longer in place. The others joined her and they approached Cirrus again, but he made no attempt to respond.


“The dark side has engulfed him,” Revan said “He is focused completely on controlling the storm.”


“How do we stop it?” Juhani asked


“We sever him from the Force.” Revan stated “A permanent wall of light side energy.”


“Surely there is another way to stop him,” Brianna said “What you describe is...barbaric.”


Brianna was right, Revan knew. They could probably simply kill Cirrus and end this, but she wanted something more. She wanted to punish him, to show him that what happens when one attempts to twist the Force to their own ends.


Revan whirled on her “There is no time to debate this. There is no redemption for this Sith, we must stop him now!”


“She's right,” Gaven said “Do as Revan says.”


Brianna didn't offer another word in resistance, and Revan began giving instructions.


“We must all focus the light side of the Force on him. Surround him with it and cut him off from his Force abilities.”


The four Jedi closed their eyes, and reached out with the Force. The light side currents flowed around them and Revan dictated to her companions.


“Focus on Cirrus, surround him with the light.”


They pushed out with the Force and used it to encase Cirrus in the light side of the Force, and closed it in upon him like a solid wall blocking the the currents of the Force from him, and closing him off from it. Cirrus eyes snapped open as he felt the void encase him, and the dark side suddenly disappear from his being. He called out to the Force and felt nothing. He tried again begging the dark side to return to him, to serve him, and did not receive its familiar embrace.


“NO!” he managed to scream “What have you done!?”


Revan's eyes opened and she had to steady herself on a nearby console before she could face Cirrus. Brianna and Juhani both collapsed unable to remain standing in the face of such a taxing use of their Force abilities. Gaven remained standing but the exhaustion was clear on his face.


“We have enclosed you in a fortress of the light, to block you from the Force.” Revan said softly “No longer will you feel its touch, and no longer will you twist it to your ends.”


“Impossible! You cannot...surely even you Revan are not so cruel.”


“You underestimate me Sith,” Revan replied coldly “You will not harm another living soul, and you will forever live without the Force.”


“NO!” Cirrus shouted again. His lightsaber jumped to his hand and he charged Revan. Unsure of where the Heart had landed after shattering the barrier Revan reached out for the nearest weapon which was Gaven's. She pulled it from his belt to her hand, ignited it, and with her body protesting her every movement she sidestepped Cirrus charge slicing with the weapon once, then twice slashing him across his chest and back before impaling him from behind. Revan withdrew it as Cirrus fell to the ground and his lightsaber extinguished as it clattered away.


Revan regarded the fallen Sith for only a moment before moving to check on Juhani as Gaven attended to Brianna. Juhani was conscious, but physically and mentally exhausted from the battle. Revan knelt next to her and helped her sit up.


“Are you okay my friend?”


“I-I will be..eventually.”


“Can you stand?”


“I think so, if you will help me.”


Revan stood, pulled Juhani to her feet and the two of them made their way through the wreckage of the operations center to Gaven and Brianna.


“How is she?” Revan asked Gaven


“I can speak for myself,” Brianna replied weakly “I will be fine.”


Revan smiled at her “Good, I am sorry, but that was the only way to stop him.”


“I know,” Brianna acknowledged as Gaven helped her up.


Revan offered Gaven's lightsaber to him, and he accepted it clipping it back to his belt.


“What happened to the Heart?” he asked


“I don't know, I think it may have been destroyed.”


Gaven nodded “Perhaps it has fulfilled its prophecy.”




Just then the auxiliary entrance to the operations center opened and General Alavi, his severed arm in a wrap and sling, walked in with several security troops. Alavi's eyes grew wide as he surveyed the damage inside. They moved to the fallen General Cirrus, and then to the four exhausted Jedi.


“You did all of this?” He asked the group


“We had help,” Revan replied indicating Cirrus


“Cirrus was..a Sith?”


“The worst kind,” Revan said “and you are?”


“General Alavi,”


“Thank you for calling off your security teams, you saved countless lives.”


“I saw no point in adding to the deaths caused by Cirrus, but I didn't catch your name.”


“I am Revan.”


“Revan? I thought you were dead.”


“Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated.”


“What do we do now?”


“Rebuild General, but I can't promise the Republic will be kind to you.”


Alavi nodded “I would understand if they weren't, but at the same time I hope they will be merciful.”


“I will put in a good word for you with the Chancellor.”


Alavi nodded “Thank you, I hope it will help.”


Revan's commlink crackled to life with Canderous voice breaking through the static.


“Mandalore to Revan, are you alright down there? What the hell happened?”


“We're a little beat up Canderous,” Revan replied “but we'll be okay.”


“What about the Sith?”


“He won't be a problem anymore.”


“Good to hear it, what are your orders?”


“Stay in orbit, I'm going to get Atton to come pick us up.”


“Understood, Mandalore out.”


“Revan to Ebon Hawk, Atton are you there?”


“I'm here,” Atton replied with relief in his voice “Are you okay?”


“We're fine, can you come pick us up?”


“I'm on my way, Ebon Hawk out.”


Revan placed the commlink back on her belt, and turned to General Alavi.


“See to your people General, I will contact the Republic for relief assistance.”


“Understood, and thank you.”


As a last act before they left the defense center Revan found Cirrus lightsaber and clipped it to her belt, it would serve as a substitute until she could build a new one.


“Let's go my friends, our work is done here.”


The Jedi made their way out of the defense center through a secondary exit as the main entrance was blocked by the destroyed door. Revan surveyed the destruction the storm had caused as the Ebon Hawk swooped down from the sky.


“It will take them months to rebuild,” Gaven commented


“Yes,” Revan replied with a nod “but I'm sure the Republic will be able to speed that up a bit.”


“So much destruction,” Brianna said softly “I never imagined any one being capable of such things.”


“The Sith are capable of this and more,” Revan replied “We must remain ever vigilant.”


The Hawk set down in an area free of large debris and Atton lowered the ship's ramp. He greeted them as the group boarded.


“I sure as hell am glad to see you alive,” he said


“You doubted us?” Gaven replied with a smirk


“I saw what the storm was doing,” he said “the entire planet is lucky it survived.”


“I couldn't agree more.” Revan said “get us out of here Atton.”


“You got it. Where to?”


“Orbit for now, we need to contact Carth and Bastila.”


Atton nodded and returned to the cockpit. Revan followed after she'd helped Juhani to a bed in the port dormitory. The Ebon Hawk lifted off the surface of Axum, and joined the Mandalorian ships in orbit above the planet. Revan stared out the Hawk's view port, and was about to tell Atton to raise Carth, but the pilot spoke first.


“I don't think you'll need to call the admiral.” he said




“Ten ships coming out of hyperspace, Republic ships, we're being hailed.”


“Telos to Ebon Hawk, this is Admiral Onasi do you read?”


“Telos, this is the Ebon Hawk, we read you,” Revan replied


“Revan,” Carth said “It's good to hear your voice.”


“Yours too, but I don't remember asking for backup, but I'm glad you're here.”


“Are you okay?”


“We're fine, Cirrus is dead, but there is considerable destruction on the surface. They'll need help rebuilding.”


“They'll get it, I'm sure Chancellor Organa will be glad this is all over.”


“So am I Carth, and I think it's time to go home.”


“I couldn't agree more, Onasi out.”


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Karin Organa stepped off the shuttle and onto the surface of Axum flanked by four Republic soldiers and Admiral Forn Dodonna. The group had arrived a day after the climatic battle on Axum on Dodonna's personal flagship. Greeting them on the surface were Carth Onasi, Mandalore, and the Jedi from the Ebon Hawk. Organa was stunned at the swathe of destruction that was displayed in front of her.


“What in the name of the galaxy happened here?” Organa asked the group in general.


“This is the destruction a Sith rains down when they turn entire planets to their cause,” Revan replied


“One Sith did this?”


“Yes, one Sith bent on killing me.”


“It will take us months to clean this up.”


“It would have been worse had he succeeded,” Gaven stated.


Organa shook her head slowly “Is it over?”


“For now,” Revan said “I believe it is, but the Sith are relentless. They will be back eventually.”


“Well,” Organa replied “As long as the Jedi stand with us, we will be ready.”




Five days later....


The windows were blackened, and only dim light illuminated the Jedi Council chamber. Atris, and Vima Sunrider stood in the center of the chamber and before them stood Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, Visas Marr, Juhani, Brianna, Gaven, Atton, and Revan. Atris and Vima ignited their lightsabers and the green and blue blades cast long shadows in the dim room.


“We are all Jedi,” Vima stated “The Force speaks through us, and through our actions the Force proclaims itself. As the last remaining Masters of the Jedi Order, we recognize the deeds you have done in defeating the Sith and protecting the Republic in service to the Force.”


“In light of those actions,” Atris continued “We see fit to pass unto you the future of the Jedi. By the will of the Force we proclaim you Masters of the Jedi. Take up your lightsabers Jedi Masters and pass your wisdom to those you will train.”


Bastila stepped forward and turned to face the rear of the chamber as she ignited a single yellow blade followed by the other masters who each ignited their lightsabers, pointing them toward the floor of the chamber.


“Dustil Onasi, Mission Vao...step forward.”


Dustil and Mission walked into the center of the chamber each clothed in Jedi robes. They came to a stop in the center of the circle and Bastila continued.


“Through your actions, you have more than proven yourselves worth of becoming full members of the Jedi Order. So, by the right of the Council, and by the will of the Force I proclaim you Jedi, Knights of the Republic. Take up your lightsabers Jedi Knights and may the Force be with you always.”

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