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University teaches students, "All whites are racist."

Point Man

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As a white person, I get frustrated by the current level of racism where All whites are held responsible for what was done in the past. I do get the "you are a racist" treatment as a returning student at Cal State. I am one of the older students, but I was never a racist. My first crush as a child was on a black boy. Black people have always numbered among my friends. My closest friend is black. I have dated black, Hispanic, Asian as well as white. My sister in law is from Guatemala. My mom worked with Meralee Evers during the 60's on the civil rights issue. She (mom) herself grew up as a share croper picking cotton. So, it hurts to be classified as a racist when I never have been one. Between my best friend (Yes, she is black) and me, we are just buddies. Race has no place in our relationship.


Yes, the different races have had poor treatment by the whites and other races, but lets put the idea that all whites are racist where it belongs, In the trash. If you want to be angry at someone, be angry at the ones that are still holding the superior attitude. It goes in all directions, not just white against everyone else.


Reciently, many people in my class jumped all over me for sudgesting that whites are discriminated against too. They were giveing me that guilt card. I was not being politcally correct I guess, when I all I was doing was answering a question the prof. asked. My answer was this issue we are discussing now. Basiclly, that we are being silenced because of "racism" with the "Guilt" card. When I got home I called my friend and asked her to be truthful and tell me if I was in anyway racist. Her reply was "H--- No!" It is a topic in our conversations, because I am confronted so often with the "hatred" of all things white.


I hope someday soon, our county can get past this cloud that is hovering over. I would like to get on with the idea of equality and everyone being treated on their own merit, not what someone's great, great, great, great .........grand parents neighbor did.


Take a look at our history. The first settlers to come here came to get away from discrimination. (religious) And one of them was my ansestor. I found him in my college text. He was a Puritan of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (I knew his name before, but spoted his name and work in the text. It was fun to see the words of my g.g.g.g.....grand parent and what others said about him.)

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The way I look at it, if you don't want to leave the issue of race and want to keep dredging it up, then let's look at the issue, but part of the issue is white racism as well. How indiginous people lay charges against white people, or play the race card and say how they had been victimized to get their way.

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The way I look at it, if you don't want to leave the issue of race and want to keep dredging it up, then let's look at the issue, but part of the issue is white racism as well. How indiginous people lay charges against white people, or play the race card and say how they had been victimized to get their way.

That is a sad part of playing the race card. Nothing ticks me off more than when I see that card played on NBC's Law and Order. While not accurate per se it has only fed my impression that the worst predators out there are not the murderers and rapists but the defense attorneys. Hell I admit that is a bias and I know that they are 'just doing their job' but please. Sometimes it has no bearing on the the case at hand and yet it is played.


Also there has to be the context that is taken into account. We laugh like hell at comedians who poke fun at other groups but they are not intending to be offensive. Let me take an example: Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist. He has a puppet called Walter that is virtually the crabby ole fart that is not PC. One of his acts that he did he had the puppet say that he got the brothers laughing but the cracker was pissed off and they were all laughing like hell. Get this, Jeff is white. The point is that we have double standards whether we like or not regarding race. The comedic turn is one that seems to not offend as much because it is said in the way not to offend. So really it is an ongoing issue mainly because we tend to 'help' it along the way.

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The shame of it is that "doing their job" often has less to do with procuring justice and more with putting another courtroom victory on the notches in their belts. One of the problems with the racism "game" is that if someone from a subgroup doesn't get something (job/etc..) that goes to a member of another group, then that somehow becomes prima facie evidence that they're the victim's of racism. Since there could never be another reason. :rolleyes: It's also a very lucrative game, not to mention a power trip in a pc type of society.

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The shame of it is that "doing their job" often has less to do with procuring justice and more with putting another courtroom victory on the notches in their belts. One of the problems with the racism "game" is that if someone from a subgroup doesn't get something (job/etc..) that goes to a member of another group, then that somehow becomes prima facie evidence that they're the victim's of racism. Since there could never be another reason. :rolleyes: It's also a very lucrative game, not to mention a power trip in a pc type of society.

Couldn't be more right there Tote.

My mother and I were discussing power and how it corrupts. Mostly it was a joke over running for our state legislature. Me personally, I believe work should be rewarded bases on merit. I used to work in fast food and I would hear people say that they needed more hours and they were newbies on the job. My boss then would tell them that you work fast you get more hours. I was in fast food then. Also senority played an issue and your work ethic.


True some things do come if you have connections but you have to prove your worth too. The racist game as you call it, my grandpa and pops would say that it is a means to get something for nothing. Granted my grandpa was speaking about blacks, I get the feeling that is accurate in terms of the racist card being played.

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So it's come down to word technicalities?


Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I wanted more slurs against Africans, It's just that they made a point of including every other Race and Creed (Especially Mexicans for some reason) but steered away from black

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I didn't actually read/look at the link but was actually making a sarcastic remark to being PC. I admit myself that I don't use PC terms because quite frankly I find them to be stupid at times in an attempt to be more enveloping of diversity.

Frankly the exclusion can reflect a bias on the part of the person who wrote it. In a way it could be reflective of the fact that the author may be black himself and is unwilling to 'diss' his people but is willing to do so for other groups. I would pull a Mel Brooks picture like Blazing Saddles any day since all groups are up for grabs in the poking fun department concerning race jokes.

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The way I look at it, if you don't want to leave the issue of race and want to keep dredging it up, then let's look at the issue, but part of the issue is white racism as well. How indiginous people lay charges against white people, or play the race card and say how they had been victimized to get their way.

If native americans haven't been victimized I don't know who has.


There'd be no black comedians if we all stopped hating on each other, what would they talk about?


I don't mind being called a Racist Cracker, if it's in the right context...;)

I don't know funny stuff? If all you have as a comedian is making fun of them that's a pretty weak act. Note: didn't watch the clip, but I'm not a fan of any race jokes.



Since this topic won't die I'll add my bit (and help keep it alive).

There are two sides to this on the one hand after a certain amount of understanding, and yes guilt, any more is just beating yourself up unnecessarily. You can't help what your ancestors have done, but you do control your actions and amazingly the vast majority of black people don't hate you (certainly not personally, fashionistas excluded). Plus excessive apologies are as awkward to receive as they are to give.


On the other hand I don't trust (to put it mildly) those crusading against the idea that there was (is) something wrong with this country. And I believe most anti PC rhetoric is just because those that would use hate speech want to be able to do it with no consequences and that isn't in my opinion what's best for this country. Would you rather hurt someone's feelings rather than edit yourself?

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