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[TSL] Telosian Military Base Question

Darth Payne

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Is it possible to get past the two doors that can not be opened?


1: A magnetically sealed door just post the hangar bay. It mentiones a console may be controling it nearby.


2: The Military Sub-Level door. This one is on the map and is easy to find.


Can this be done?


PS: Current playthrough of TSL is with the Bastila head mod and the Twin-Sun Outfit mod. All i can say is, WOW.


Man, i wish there was a KTR 1 version of the Twin-Sun mod.

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Answer to 1; http://gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/undergroundbase.php


Answer to 2; With reguards that sealed door its part of the HK cut sidequest; you can only access it via the where am i band from http://www.starwarsknights.com or the HK factory sidequest is restored by this mod... http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/HK_Factory_Reconstructed;75971 it will also be restored by TG long awaited TSLRP.

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Just played through the HK Factory.


Did notice that there where still a few german words that where not translated though, so i got a bit confused at times as i don't know enough german to understand it.


Thanks for the help jonathan7 and Deadlt Stream, i'm going to try the armband for the last door.


Edit: Ah crap. Just noticed that it doesn't use patcher as it uses a spells 2da. This means that it's out of my league. I guess i'll have to be satisfied with the factory.


PS: I noticed that the game crashes if you've got HK and Bao-Dur on the party and start the lines for the factory before re-aquiering(sp?) the hawk. Worked fine if i started the lines while on the hawk though.

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