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order 66

Delta 412

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i agree the clones did suck they could have done it a little cleaner

What's that supposed to mean?


hose little padawan kids were retarded, as soon as anakin opened his saber all the little kids should have alla attacked him at once, they all had light sabers.

They all had TRAINING lightsabers. And even if they were real lightsabers and if intimidation wasn't a factor, they still wouldn't have stood a chance.

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Yea, the safety in numbers rule is kind of out of the question when you're facing one of the most powerful foes in the universe...besides...they probably didn't know what he was going to do with his lightsaber until he actually attacked em. Either way...the kids didn't stand a chance.


Also, I'm not sure what you mean when you say the clones could "have done it cleaner."

Interesting sentence...

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For the jedi spawnlings. They have training lightsabers which are basically glowsticks that can inflict a bit of shock/pain upon your target at best. Its like a bunch of kids with supersoaker vs some nutcase with an AK47...


Plus, they are shocked and totally outskilled, hence pwn3d as deserved.

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For the jedi spawnlings. They have training lightsabers which are basically glowsticks that can inflict a bit of shock/pain upon your target at best. Its like a bunch of kids with supersoaker vs some nutcase with an AK47...


It'd be nice of one of the kids did actually manage to shock Anakin. :p

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