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Star Wars EPISODE III Game questions


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Hey guys,


I didn't know where else to post this stuff, so I post it here and hope for replies. :) I have some questions regarding Episode III The Game. I have it on Xbox and have discovered ALL secrets and got ALL things.


But, the thing is, once Anakin turns to the Dark Side, he can use Force Lightning. I upgraded Force Lightning to Level 3 (Max), and rarely, I can see him chain the lightning! I have NO idea how this happens. It has been one YEAR since I seen him do that. Anyone knows how I chain the lightning so it affects others nearby?


Also - I have difficulty doing a critical hit from a far. (The one you Force Grasp your opponent from afar, and press the Critical Hit button. In Anakin's case, he Force Pulls the opponent towards him and impales him from the back.) Anyone can help me with tips on this one?


Any help would be appriciated! XD

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Well, welcome to the forums for starters. Second, I would recommend you buy the strategy guide (IDK if its still in circulation) but I brought mine from PRIMA GAMES and it helped me out. To get a critical hit, you have to beat down your opponent a little, ( It's easier if you upgrade Force Grasp to the highest level) I like doing it to Jedi Padawans and Knights, the Jedi "Brutes" (the big blue guys) are a little hard to grasp. The Chain Lightning happens when two opponents are very close together when you hit one of them. And probably the mods will move this thread

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Welcome to the forums too Yodafone!

Well, I know that the brutes are very hard to grasp, so I always use force-lightning on them which actually takes like 10-15 seconds to defeat them. Well as for the force-chain question, I think that you have to use the analogue stick, I'm not too sure though. Try it anyways, and I hope that it helped!



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I saw a video thats from the ep3 game where Annikan kills Ben and then he kills the Emperor on the Lava Planet, what would happen further now that Anni is all powerful.



Would he still watch his wife die and realize he has twins and raise them as his Sith children.

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