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(TSL) Unused Rooms and Areas


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First off, I'm not sure if this has been posted, requested, or addressed before, so if it has, then I apologize. Anyways....


In "Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords", one of the Force Powers that the player character can gain is the "Force Sight" power, which enables the player to see through doors and also to see any non-player character's alignment. This power is also more-or-less available to Kreia and Visas Marr (basically, it's the way they see through first-person mode). Anyways, when this power is used in certain areas on Telos/Citadel Station and Nar Shaddaa (and the Palace on Onderon, if I remember correctly), the player is able to see unused rooms and areas not labeled on the map through certain unmarked doors. In addition, using cheat code in the console, which reveals the entire map, on the Nar Shaddaa Docks area and the Khoonda compound on Dantooine, reveals more unused areas (though as I recall, TSLRP is using the rooms off the Docks as part of their restoration project, so nevermind about that one).


Anyways, what I'm getting at, after all of that stuff above, is that I'm wondering if there is a mod out there that would use these hidden and blocked off areas in inventive and interesting ways.

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