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Euphoria and DMM?

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is it just me, or is Euphoria not that innovative..?


yes, the troopers grab onto things when they "want to save themselves" but, is that all they can do? Ragdoll effects and grabbing onto things. I dont think thats very revolutionary. If the troopers actually pulled themselves up, after they grab onto like, a beam, THEN that would be tottaly awesome



I like DMM tho. DMM is great.




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Well, the point isn't that it doesn't look good, it's just that it's not as innovative as they claim it is. It's all good marketing.


True, but LA is a company and it should be allowed to market their product. LA is a company and has to look at for itself as well, even if we, which I don't, like it all the time.


I think it looks great. Have you watched the newest Tech Trailer? For something that's never been done before-ever-t's looking pretty good.

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