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[FIC]Carth's Worst Day

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This is a sequel (actually a prequel) to my other fanfic, Carth's Wonderful Night.


Dr Cox = Jolee Bindo

Bob Kelso = Master Vandar

Jordan = Nayama

J.D. = Carth

Elliot = Bastila

Turk = Canderous

Carla = Revan


This is a spoof of the ending scene of Season One of the show Scrubs. So you would need to have watched it to understand it fully.


*Take note that this takes place before 'Carth's Wonderful Night'*




“Heres to the saviors of the Galaxy!” toasted Master Vandar.


The group of people sitting at the table, Master Vandar, Jolee Bindo, Carth Onasi, Bastila Shan, Canderous Ordo and Revan all put their flasks of wine together and banged them.


“Hear hear” they all chanted at once with smiles on their faces. They had just killed Malak and destroyed the Star Forge, thus saving the Galaxy and the Republic from Sith Domination.


It's been a long journey, but the important thing is we all got through it together” Carth thought. “We were a family”.


At that moment, Jolee's ex-wife, Nayama, walked up to the table. Nayama had reluctantly agreed to help the group take down the Star Forge, even though Bastila had been using her Battle Meditation against her fleet.


“Hey everyone” she greeted. All the smiles on the groups faces fell immediately. There were murmurs of 'hello' and 'how are you'.


“Oh Ms Bindo” Carth said. “Thank you for bring the Republic's fleet to the Star Forge and destroying it”.


“Oh don't mention it” Nayama replied in a high pitched voice. “And even though I wasn't invited to your little party, I brought presents for everyone”.


“Brace yourself there, newbie” Jolee said to Carth in a low voice. He had a look of worry on his face, but Carth didn't know why.


“Revan, my ex-husband is in love with you” Nayama said to Revan. “It's true”. “Ask your husband, he knows”. 'Him and Jolee talk about it all the time”.


Canderous looked away quickly with a look of worry on his face, just like Jolee's face.


“I don't know why he never mentioned it before” Nayama continued. “Maybe hes afraid of something"


“And Master Vandar” she said turning towards the Jedi Master. “When are you going to tell Jolee that vacant position on the Jedi Council your making him jump through hoops for, was filled months ago?”. “It just seems wrong”.


“Which brings us to the spoilt Jedi Princess” she continued drawing her gaze over to Bastila. “If you don't have the courage to tell Carth you're deeply in love with him, I'll do it for you."


Bastila turned pink and buried herself into her arms.


“And finally, Jolee, you are not going to believe what happened the first time I met your new Admiral here” she said glancing at Carth then back to Jolee.


Oh please, God no” Carth thought.


“We played 'Hide-Jolee's Saber', and hes still got it” she said. “Have a great party everyone”.


And with that, Nayama walked out of the room. The group at the table sat there in a awkward silence for a few minutes until Revan got up and walked off. Then it was Bastila's turn to get up and leave.


After a few more seconds, Canderous got up and left as well. Which left Jolee, Master Vandar and Carth. Master Vandar got up and left as well. Jolee turned towards Carth. He was furious. Carth had half a mind to make a run for it. But before he had a chance to decided, Jolee got up, overturned his chair and stormed off.


Yep, one big happy family” Carth thought.





I hoped you liked this as much as the other one,




:Edit: Removed most of the last Scrubs phrases and made it more PG-13.

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a. Keep it clean. This is not the 'Tales of the Jedi Sexploits' forum.

b. Don't take Scrubs scripts and just change the names to Kotor characters, if that's what's been done here. That's a form of plagiarism and is not allowed here.





I take it you haven't seen Scrubs, then. I know using the exact script from Scrubs is plagiarism, but I edited a whole lot out of it. It still plays out how it did in Scrubs, but it has a whole different story to it, wording, and phrases.


By 'it still plays out how it did in Scrubs', I was meaning Nayama talking to the characters in order, and thats about it.


I edited some bits out, got rid of almost all the Scrubs conversation lines/phrases.

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I didn't know if you'd plagiarized or not since I haven't seen the Scrubs script, and that's why I qualified it above with the 'if that's what's been done here.' I was just letting you know that copying a show script was not allowed here, since another person had tried that with a different show.

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