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[KotOR] Immunity: mines


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TSL has mine-immune creatures, flying beasts and droids do not trigger mines, can I do that in KotOR? The most efficient way I can think of would be factions who are neutral to traps, but I don't think it's possible to create new factions. Traps are one-shot triggers, and they can only be disabled via script, they can't be turned back on, and you can't change their faction. Supposedly, if I could disable the OnTrapTriggered event inside an OnEnter script which would do the immunity check, I may be able to pull this off. Any ideas?

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TSL has mine-immune creatures, flying beasts and droids do not trigger mines, can I do that in KotOR? The most efficient way I can think of would be factions who are neutral to traps, but I don't think it's possible to create new factions.


You should be able to add new standard factions to the game by editing the repute.2da file to add a new line and column. This file defines the standard factions and their reaction towards other factions. A value of 0 means hostile, 50 is neutral and 100 is friendly/ally.

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add a new line and column.
How can I? Kotor Tool won't let me export udef columns to 2da, and the file must be 2da, right? Anyway, if I can add new factions, I have a feeling I should add one for friendly mines, I mean set by the player. I should add a script to all trap blueprints so that any friendly mine would switch to that faction and leave shyracks and sentry droids alone.
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How can I? Kotor Tool won't let me export udef columns to 2da, and the file must be 2da, right?


Yes, KotorTool's 2DA editor won't let you add columns for some reason. I don't remember if Kristy Kistic's 2DA editor handles adding columns, I'd give it a try first.


If not, and you have Excel you should be able to use tk102's Excel 2DA plugin to add a new column. Otherwise it's possible that you could use KotorTool's 2DA import/export to XML functionality for this, though I've never tried that so I don't know how well it works.


Or you can do it in a very roundabout way using TSLPatcher, setting it up to add a new column to the file. :)

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you could use KotorTool's 2DA import/export to XML functionality for this, though I've never tried that
That didn't work, but I found your 2da converter, that did the trick. Something is the matter with traps though, game did chew on the new 2da, I checked that, but something tells me that traps don't pick on that file when they're triggered. I'm afraid they only check specific factions and let all the rest trigger the mine, that sentry droid keeps blowing up. I made sure just before the droid was over the trap that their factions were what they're supposed to be: trap was 13 (trap faction), droid was 22 (new faction). The 2da has 50 in both the sentry-trap and trap-sentry positions. Or it could probably be something else, maybe that check goes trap(row)->sentrydroid(column) and game doesn't recognize the extra column, while other times it does the other way around: sentrydroid(row)->player(column) and the droid starts blasting.
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Yep, it seems you can create new factions, but you can't set how existing factions should react toward it. In other words you can add rows to repute.2da and they will be recognized, extra columns won't. Trap must die, I'll have to find a way to handle trap triggering myself. I could set to 0 the one-shot flag and blow up the mine only if the entering object is supposed to, but as far as I can tell you can't detonate mines via script… well, the only real obstacle is that I should know how to make the mine model play the right animation. Any Ideas?


EDIT: I can't believe it… :( I didn't think it would work so I didn't even try, but it looks like a simple immunity effect can get the job done.


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