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An Attempt


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Hey everyone, If you don't know me, I'm one of the infamous mods of MI Legend, as well as working for a number of other pages on the mojo network. That said, this is not a plug post by any means.


I've been feeling a little guilty of late. I'm a person that doesn't deal to well with guilt of any kind, so I just wanted to make some apologies to a couple people and hopefully move on with things.


First off, I want to apologize to NFGB for something that happened a few months ago. I don't even know if you remember it or not, but when you went into #Monkey-Island that one time, I was kinda making fun of you and then we got into a bit of an argument over something (I can't even remember what!). Anyway, just wanted to say that I felt kinda responsible because you never came back after that, at least I don't think you did. Anyway, that won't happen again if you ever decide to come back.


Secondly, if Raven_Image reads this forum at all, I also want to apologize to him. I'm not sure how all the negative vibes got started over at the MI Legend, but if I'm partly or solely responsible for any ill feelings that may have arisin from the "incidents" a few months ago, I'm sorry. I was angry back then, but now I'm over it, and I hope that it's not too late to put a stop to the negativity that's been going on.


I don't really have anything else to add, I guess. I hope you guys read this.




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Originally posted by Jack:

and you´re from finland right?



he's from the US smile.gif




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Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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Guest grannen

I think he is at UCLA, Irvine CA. smile.gif


<IMG SRC="http://www.grannen.com/file/tile.jpg" border=0>




<IMG SRC="http://www.grannen.com/Calvin.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.grannen.com/Hobbes.gif" border=0> and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited October 20, 2001).]

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Originally posted by raVen_image:


Well, I can honestly say, "No hard feelings", since I have no recollection of you.


If this was an invite back to the milegend forums ...thank you, but I will decline.


I'm sure you will be happier without me, anyway.


Works for me, raven.


Yeah I'm from the US, and it's Metallus: M-E-A-T...wait nevermind. I go to UC Irvine, in Irvine, not UCLA (I didn't get in #*&$...<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm23.gif" border=0> ).


As for the swordclub, it will never return to it's original state, because I merged the site with MI Legend. It will become a subsite, with a few of the sections from the old site, but sadly there won't be any stats or members sections to speak of anymore, they were too much of a hassle, and half of our members never came back after joining. When Mixnmojo comes back, The MISFC subsite will be back as well on MI Legend, so the most I can say is stay tuned smile.gif.



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Crap. I just realized that if NFGB is on a cruise he won't be reading this message anytime soon. Unless we play a little KTFOT (keeping this folder on top), it will be long gone. Forget it, I will just message him.



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