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Gender required property...

Ferc Kast

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I was wrapping up a mod until a second ago; It looked to be fine until I saw under it's properties in-game: "Gender Required: Bad StrRef" where I was trying to make it into "Gender Required: Male".


So, how do I set a uti so that only one of the two genders can wear it using K-GFF?


Thanks in advance.

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If you typed in Male then that is the problem. Many of the fields are looking for numeric references from a 2da file. So in your case male is "0".

Then, how am I supposed to restrict it to only Males...


Let me guess: My only solution is to restrict the item to Atton, Disciple and male PCs using the party member restriction? That does sound like it would do I would want; But, how would I define the difference between the male PC and female PC?


EDIT: Never mind. My problem was that I was trying to use the gender property as a disguise property; Silly me. BTW, the value "0" does work for restricting an item to males only.

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