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[TSL] 2da. Bao-Dur


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You can download a mod that allows him to wear a robe here; http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Prequel_Style_Robes;65367


Edit; If I recall correctly, getting Bao Durr to be able to wear robes is a very complex affair as his model is not built to wear them. So Shem will have had to have spent an awful lot of time to be able to make it so that he could wear them in the above mod. I would presume he would have had to have taken Bao Durr's head from his body and combined it with another (no mean fear; and alot of work!).

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That Mod didnt work right.


I wanted one, so that he could ACTUALLY wear a Robe!


This just gives him clothes with Robe propeties¬


So, does anyone have another mod, or can they make one?


What didnt it do right? He is wearing something that looks like a robe and has robe stats; to me thats a robe! What more do you want?

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No they weren't robes at all!


They were his normal Clothes (except black) but had robe stats!


That is not a robe!!!!


Hmmm; my apologies, there is a Bao Durr robe thing out there which I thought Shem had done, check back for an update in 30 and I will try and track it down for you; there is already definatly one as Ive seen the screenies, sorry for the confusion :)

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The problem with the Bao-Dur model is his head floats above the robes when you take off the item restrictions and alter the proper 2da's so he can wear robes. Shem did do a version of this but it is not released because the head model was done by someone else and he has to ask permission before he can release it. Last I heard but don't quote me on this was he thought about asking the person about this and if said person agrees he was willing to release his personal version. But it is possible you just need modeling skills (which I apparently don't have) to do this :)



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