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Clothing for Carth and Mission


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Well, everytime I play K1, I usually increase Mission and Carth's dexterity stats so that by the end of the game, they are my prime gun wielders, but I am not happy that out-fitting them with armor puts a max dexterity bonus limit on them.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make them have personalized clothing that gives some of the benefits of armor, kind of like Atton and Mira's jackets in TSL. I just want it to look like their clothing and to provide some protection without max dexterity bonuses. Nothing fancy like reskining their clothing.

Thanks in advance if anyone does this.

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Well, unless you have them with over 20 Dexterity, there are plenty of armors that won't limit them...


But, I suppose I could oblige. Here are the stats:



*Defense Bonus: 4

*Damage Immunity: 5% vs Energy



*Defense Bonus: 4

*Damage Resistance: 5/- vs Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing


PM me your email and I can send them to you.

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