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A little help finding a mod.

Excalibur Bane

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It's been awhile since I played KOTOR 2 through again and I'm gonna take another run through it now. I can't seem to find that mod that hide your headgear when it was equipped. I tried using the search, but didn't come up with much since I couldn't remember it's name. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. :)

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what do you mean i didnt see a link for the KOtor 1 version..



That would be because you didnt look... when you search you can search for KotOR 1 or KotOR 2; hava look around there for K1 mods;http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/files/Knights_of_the_Old_Republic;67index


aah ok i am sorry..

i am still new to this kotorfiles and lucasforums stuff so

sorry that i trouble you guys and some words i dont fully understand cos i am from finland :D so thats why i am not 100% perfect in english or at least not in reading some words..


No worries, it wasn't something you need to apologise for, your english is fine, there are quite a few non-english speakers around here (indeed your doing better than me, I can only speak english). But don't forget to use your initiative when looking for mods ;)

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aah ok i am sorry..

i am still new to this kotorfiles and lucasforums stuff so

sorry that i trouble you guys and some words i dont fully understand cos i am from finland :D so thats why i am not 100% perfect in english or at least not in reading some words..

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