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hey all.. (about post-overflow)..


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hey all...


sorry if my posts come across as spam to some..

i try to keep threads going and launch new ones, but tend to be thorough in covering the whole deal.


rest assured i'm not keeping up with posting this much, but i'll be an active member..


if you feel i'm not contributing in any sense, feel free to send a pm..

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Havoc, thanks...

it seems there was a complaint about spam. while i try to have something to say or i wouldn't post. right now í have the time to go through all the threads, so i'm pretty thorough in answering them, and i guess that when people log in and see my name 40 times, they'll reckon i'm flooding the boards to up my rank.


thing is, i'm in here for the long run and won't post as much as i do now daily, but that's logical, because i'll have GB to play instead of typing this..


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Paragon_Leon I think your a spammer! You post nothing but nonsense! ;)

BTW I post at all hours. I have no life. ;) Except for this weekend (going camping!)

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Well Kvan, that's easily said... (i could say the same about you, but i won't.. ;) )

...now explain. if i look at my posts, 95 percent of the time i'm replying on topic, and with more than just a 'I Agree' or 'Yes' to simply squeeze in a quick post.


i don't know what the point of discussing is if you're not discussing, but then again, i think people are right if they feel a bit intimidated by the amount of posts..

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do you feel like i'm talking about you ? that might actually explain something... :D

well, just look at your posts. simple as that. then add them up and count the # of one-liners that simply add nothing of worth to the discussion or could be left out with no trouble at all.

that's when you find out if you are posting 'to post', or if you are posting to have an actual meaningful discussion here..


anyone can do that, so i suggest they look into that first.

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Those last three words are the key... 'from time to time..'

and yes, Kvan, i analyse my posts, because that's one thing i can't stand; if people simply accuse you of something while they do the same thing or even do it worse.


now this is something that will deal with itself eventually. i'm sure once the holidays are over, average posting a day will go down, but by then there will be stacks of forummers crowding these rooms, and they won't feel as intimidated or spammed then.


...my final thoughts on that... no hard feelings to anyone in particular...

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Sounds like you need help, leon. If spamming bugs you that much :)

BTW Does anyone realize that these boards *are* going to be packed. And we were the first people to arrive here? We will be their gods!! :D

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...not really, if all we do is post things like, "I agree" or simply summarize the previous answer in one line and post that with "Yes" in front of it.


watch the posts from the 'big' posters here, and you'll notice what i mean.


i would much rather be looked at as someone who has a huge interest in the game, than as someone who has the most posts.

if that would make me their 'god', so be it... :D


i reckon the moderators here and members like Gaber are a lot more deserving of that title.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Leon, my leige,


I pledge my fealty to you my lord :D



No, really Leon, I feel your posts are intelligent and have something to say that adds to the discussion. Your doing just fine! ;)

Havoc I think your lips are stuck to Leon's rear :D

Leon, your right the designers are deserving of that title, I'll stick with Demi-god :)

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, i've got a ton of posts, and i'm not asking for any praise.....just my own rank :D


And, if anyone thinks i'm spamming then tell me, but i really don't think i am. Most of what i say is on topic and intelligent. The rest is just chit-chat, which no message board can do without.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Dang...you guys are brutal. I'm just having fun taking peoples posts and blowing them out of porportion, that's all. I kiss no one's arse, thank you.......well...maybe my wife's (but that's just so I can stay on her good side) ;)



I'm am the epitomy of the Devil's advocate!



I'm not brutal, I'm savage. Get it right! :D

Really though I'm just having fun too. Don't take what I say too serious.

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I haven't taken anything you've said seriously ;)



believe me, everything I've typed so far has been typed with a smile on my face. I'm enjoying the friendly atmosphere of this board, I sure hope that aspect remains after the game is released and thousands swarm to these boards! :(

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

I haven't taken anything you've said seriously ;)



believe me, everything I've typed so far has been typed with a smile on my face. I'm enjoying the friendly atmosphere of this board, I sure hope that aspect remains after the game is released and thousands swarm to these boards! :(

Well we could just ignore the new people :) ?

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