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K1 Korriban Problem

Darth Payne

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Well, i've run into something of a problem.


Every time i try to walk accross the frosen acid pool in Naga Sadows tomb the converstion between Uthar and Yuthura begins and i'm stuck.


I have no idea what to do as i don't quite feel like re-installing the game and all the mods i use just yet, therefor i have decided to see if the great people her can help.


Does anybody know what can be causing this?

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Nope, i'm not using the Darth talon mod.


Though i am using a mod that gives Yuthura and Uthar red sith tatoos.


Could that be it?


Edit: Well, i just removed the skins that gave Uthar and Yuthura the red tatoos, hopefully this will work.


Edit: Nope. That didn't work either.

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It's not likely to be due to a mod that affects appearance. I don't know off hand what triggers that conversation, but Yuthura and Uthar are probably spawned when you loot the Naga Blade/Sith Lightsaber (this probably updates a global somewhere). Then the conversation itself will be triggered by a trigger point on the ice that checks if you've got the items you were sent for.


So your problem is bound to be either of 2 things;


+ A custom item in your inventory that makes the game think you have the Naga Blade / Sith Saber already, thus initiating the conversation.

+ Or a mod that has already changed the global that says you've cleared the Naga Tomb.


What I would do;


The first thing I would try is just renaming my Override folder (as oppose to deleting), just to disable/hide my mods for that one scene. Then play through the scene and rename it back to Override to enable/unhide the mods once the sticky bit has passed.


If that doesn't work then the damage is already done. But it's fixable.


You could try opening KSE and removing any custom sabers/swords from your inventory, since these might be triggering the problem (you can give them to yourself again later). Also look through the globals in your save game. See if the Naga tomb is marked as cleared already. Just make sure you backup your savegame before you mess with it ;)


If you can't find the problem there, maybe open Kotor Tool and find the dialog file that's used for that scene (Kotor Tool's search function should help you find it). Open the dialog and look in the Conditional Script field. If there is a script here, then that script will probably tell you what global/condition/etc is responsible for starting the dialog.


If none of that works, or you can't find the right global, I can have a sniff around after work. But I won't be able to get back to you for like 20 hours (no net at home).


Good luck!

*returns to her lurking*



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Thans for your help Paper.


You clued me into something i had forgotten about.


I use a mod that adds personal lightsabers to each sith lord tomb.


And i happen to have Naga Sadows saber in my inventory.


Said saber is now removed and i'll see if it worked in a moment.


Edit: It worked. I removed the Sadow saber and i got passed the acid pool. The game now works as normal.

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