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Attack of the clones total-conversion K1


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yeah was thinking could some one make a attack of the clones type of total conversion for kotor 1 ?


1.Republic soldiers would be the clones as the mod that Prime made.

2.Sith troopers would look like B1 battledroids

3.Carth would be a clone pilot whit temeura morrison looking face whit a scar at hes left eyebrown + clone pilot armors.


3.and pc would have also the temeura morrison looking face as an option.. trask would look like a clone trooper by model and the player will have basic clone trooper armors in hes closet at endarspire..


4. AND new portraits to the new heads and trask too..

even if he will only look a trooper even whit out eny kind of armor..


5. new clone themed launcher (not nessesary)


this would be asome i would make it my self but dont have the skills nor time :D so thats why i would appareciate some kind of help thanks! :D

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This would be a great mod but i dont think the battle droids could be done, you'd have to use the combat droids instead of battle droids from the movies but it would still be the same general idea clones vs. droids much of the appearance changeing cold be done it just would mabey take a bit to change carth to a clone unless 1ns already made, but i think carth was already changed with the clone trooper mod.

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yes your right about Carth and about the droids..

Carth was already changed to look like temeura but i would like hes modificated head to be even a pc version and it dosent matter if the combat droids are added instead of sith troopers that would be fun!! :D


but i have to say one thing more if the temeura head that was added to Carth if it could be made to look more ''un-ugly'' and more Temeura whit highter grafics :D

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thats not nice to say about someone's skin that its ugly :giveup: oh and i didnt say have no droids i said use a different droid like those combat droids that the selkath have or however spell there name.


and mabey you could switch the sith officers up with different alien race's so there like the ermm CIS dudes >.>

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WraithPrince we got an missing of understand here i know what you did mean about the droids and i would love to have them instead of sith troopers :D

and it is an good idea to get different kind of alien species to be as the sith officers

deffenetly more CIS :D

and i know it is good the one that Prime made but it looks so LOW TEXTURED and i would love to have a more HIGHT TEXTURED Temeura..

and thats about it now we just need a modder :D

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Make him Cool whit out beard :D and a scar on hes left eye brown..

and an other pc head that looks like Jango Fett too, maeby a copy of the same head but whit out a scar and a different kind of portrait cos then they would be whit out head :D


and if somebody could still help whit the droid stuff and the closet stuff were the armors are i would appareciate it :D

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Unfortunately, I don't think droids HAVE a melee weapon attack animation (maybe bare fists animation, but NOT melee weapon animation), and IIRC, some Sith Troopers would use melee weapons, so I don't think you could convert them, unless you want them to kill you with their fists as if their not using that blade that their holding.


Although, the majority of Sith Troopers DO only use rifles, (I think) so it may be possible to convert MOST of them...

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@JD you could just switch the sith trooper files up so they dont got swords


@memarik u could make it so some of the froids look like the war droids(those three legged tall thingy's) and i cant do a scar as far as i believe almost all the tga's have half the head on so on both eyes he'd have a scar.

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thanks WraithPrince ! :D

and could you add a pc head too that looks like same that Carth head is but whit out the scar let say more ''fresh meat'' looking than Carth who is a veteran allready..


and about the droids it dosent matter if they dont have animations for mele but

as you sayd WraithPrince about the sith trooper files could it be possible to take the vibrosswords away of theyr inventory ?


and tree legged droids too yes good idea ! :D

they would be ''Spider Droids'' :D

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yes this is great !! :D

but i wanted the mod for kotor 1 the pic was from TSL or ?

and can you give Carth a Scar on hes left eyebrown

+ make the same as you shown in the pic that is for Carth even for PC ok but whit out scar?


AND for Carth allready equipped clone pilot armor and helmet if it is possible ?




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I made the texture for kotor 1 but his texture is the same in both games so i just tested it in k2.


and like i said before its impossible for me to make a scar on 1 of his eyes since the picture u skin only has hhalf his face so it would be on both sides, Ill see if i can copy this 1 and remove some of the wrinkles on him and make him look a bit younger....


ill see about skinning the droids so they are the general color the battle droids had like a sandy coler.

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what about the clone pc head?

and can you make even trask look like carth + remember everybody haves to have different kinda of portrait :D cos if not they would be whit out head :D


will you continue working on this now or later?

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Im not gonna do the whole project on my own when I have many other im working on, and i have not made a PC head, have not switched any sith with droids. Ive so far only skinned the droids and Carth to look like jango. All i do is skin and a bit of .dlg and .uti editing.

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